Page 245 - Bonhams, The H Collection, Classical Chinese Furniture, May 13, 2021 London
P. 245
Notable for its large proportion and the meticulous archaistic designs, the 六方造型,侈口,鼓腹,圈足外撇。肩部飾一周浮雕饕餮紋,以雷紋
present vase belongs to a group of vessels inspired by celebrated ancient 填底。腹部一周紋飾以扉棱區隔為六面,每面飾相似風格饕餮紋及夔
traditions while being firmly rooted in the modernity of the Qing dynasty. 龍紋,皆以雷紋填底,為古樸敦厚的器身更添靈動精巧。清代皇室承
The Qing emperors proposed to ‘restore ancient ways’, referring to 接了明代的宮廷收藏,其中包括大量高古銅器;並依循宋代以來文人
the view of ancient culture as having intrinsic qualities of sincerity, 雅士的使用方式,將青銅器融入居家空間的日常陳設,尤以乾隆一朝
simplicity and happy exuberance. The Qianlong emperor, in particular, 為盛。乾隆十四年,乾隆皇帝諭令將內府庋藏的鼎、尊、彝等青銅器
was fond of adapting archaic shapes into contemporary designs and 分門別類,仿效《考古圖》、《宣和博古圖》體例薈輯成《西清古
instructed the court to collect drawings of antiquities, such as the 鑑》,成為當時有史以來規模最大的古銅器圖譜。見張麗端著,《宮
‘Catalogue of Xiqing Antiquities’ Xi Qing Gu Jian, which were provided 廷之雅:清代仿古及畫意玉器特展圖錄》,台北,1997年,頁49-50。
to the craftsmen for inspiration; see Chang Li-tuan, The Refined Taste
of the Emperor: Special Exhibition of Archaic and Pictorial Jades of the 相似造型的器物在同時期官窯瓷器、琺瑯器中也有傳世。參考一件清
Ch’ing Court, Taipei, 1997, pp.49-50. 宮舊藏清雍正仿官窯貫耳六方瓶,見《故宮博物院藏文物珍品全集:
Compare the shape of the present vase with a large hexagonal 以出戟將器身分割為六面,見《故宮博物院藏品大系:琺瑯器編》,
guan-type hu vase, Yongzheng mark and period, in the Qing Court 北京,2011年,編號15-16。
Collection, illustrated in The Complete Collection of Treasures of the
Palace Museum. Monochrome Porcelain, Hong Kong, 1999, pl.204.
See also two large cloisonné enamel vases, early Qing dynasty,
decorated with archaistic designs, illustrated in The Compendium of
Collections in the Palace Museum: Enamels 2 Cloisonné in the Qing
Dynasty, Beijing, 2011, nos.15-16.