Page 250 - Bonhams, The H Collection, Classical Chinese Furniture, May 13, 2021 London
P. 250

           Late Qing Dynasty
           The long bolt woven from polychrome and gilt silk threads with intricate
           octagonal diaper designs enriched with interlocking, zigzag and wave
           patterns all on a fuchsia ground; together with two related sections
           woven with a seven-character inscription.
           976cm (384 3/8in) wide x 72cm (28 3/8in) long. (3).
           £8,000 - 12,000
           CNY72,000 - 110,000
           清晚期 紅錦地團壽紋緞匹料

           Lieutenant-Colonel T.S. Cox, and thence by descent
           Bonhams London, 12 May 2016, lot 255
           An important European private collection

           T.S. Cox中校舊藏,並由後人保存

           The inscription reads: ‘蘇州織造臣奉曾’, which may be translated as   中國歷代都有為皇室營造服飾用品的專門機構,明清沿襲元代,於江
           ‘Made by the Ministers of the Suzhou weavers’.    寧營建皇家織造,後又陸續營建蘇州織造和杭州織造,合稱「江南三
           The Imperial court established a weaving and dyeing administration
           in Suzhou during the Ming and Qing dynasties, which was in charge   有關蘇州織造之詳述,參考M.Dusenbury著,《Flowers, Dragons
           of weaving silk fabrics for the highest-ranking members of society.   & Pine Trees: Asian Textiles in the Spencer Museum of Art》,
           The products included fabrics, Imperial robes, official costumes, and   紐約,2004年。
           garments for daily use as well as for Imperial weddings and birthdays.
           For a detailed discussion about silk weaving in Suzhou, see   R.Jacobsen著,《Imperial Silks. Ch’ing Imperial Textiles in the
           M.Dusenbury, Flowers, Dragons & Pine Trees: Asian Textiles in the   Minneapolis Institute of Art》,卷二,2000年,明尼阿波利斯,
           Spencer Museum of Art, New York, 2004.            頁1140,編號572。

           Compare with a related silk brocade panel, late 19th century, in the
           Minneapolis Institute of Art, Minneapolis, illustrated by R.Jacobsen,
           Imperial Silks. Ch’ing Imperial Textiles in the Minneapolis Institute of
           Art, Minneapolis MS, vo.2, p.1140, no.572.

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