Page 248 - Bonhams, The H Collection, Classical Chinese Furniture, May 13, 2021 London
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Lieutenant-Colonel T.S. Cox graduated from Sandhurst Military
Academy in 1892 and was commissioned in 1894 into the 16th Indian
Cavalry, The Bengal Lancers. His noteworthy military service included
in 1897, Tochi Field Force, N.W. Frontier; and in 1900, the China
Expeditionary Force during the Boxer Rebellion, when he was awarded
the US Military Order of the Dragon. In 1901 he was seconded
as Advisor to the Chinese Government and awarded an Imperial
decoration by Shanqi, Prince Su (1866-1922). In 1903 he was elected
to the Royal Geographical Society. In 1903 he served as Captain in
the Indian Army; between 1904–1907, he was posted in the D.M.O.
War Office, London, the Balkans, Asia Minor, Somaliland, Abyssinia,
Russian Central Asia, and Ottoman Middle East; in 1911 he was
awarded the King George V Delhi Coronation Durbar medal. Between
1912-1913 he was posted in the Middle East and Central Asia. In
1915, he took part in the Gallipoli Campaign and in 1916 transferred
to command the 37th Dogras. In 1917 he served in the Mesopotamian
campaign and was wounded whilst serving in the Aden Field Force. In
1920 he served with the Waziristan Field Force, NW Frontier; in 1921
he transferred to command the 3rd Madras Regiment and in 1925 he
retired from the Indian Army as Lieutenant-Colonel.
Lieutenant-Colonel T.S. Cox
A BOLT OF SILK YELLOW-GROUND BROCADE The inscription reads: ‘蘇州織造臣奉曾’, which may be translated as
Late Qing Dynasty ‘Made by the Ministers of the Suzhou weavers’.
The long bolt woven from gilt and polychrome silk threads in shades
of green with intricate octagonal diaper designs enhanced with Suzhou was an important weaving centre, especially during the Ming
interlocking, zigzag and wave patterns on a rich yellow ground, one and Qing dynasties, when Imperial workshops were established there
end with a seven-character inscription. to produce silk fabrics for the highest-ranking members of society. Silks
1420cm (559in) long x 71.5cm (28 1/8in) wide. from the Imperial and official workshops were mainly used for Imperial
attire, palace and temple furnishings, presentations and dress for the
£7,000 - 10,000 officials. It is recorded that, by the 18th century, Suzhou employed over
CNY63,000 - 90,000 four thousand workers and operated thousands of looms; see J.Mailey,
Embroidery of Imperial China, New York, 1978, p.12.
清晚期 明黃錦地團壽紋緞匹料 For a detailed discussion about silk weaving in Suzhou, see
「蘇州織造臣奉曾」楷書繡款 M.Dusenbury, Flowers, Dragons & Pine Trees: Asian Textiles in the
Spencer Museum of Art, New York, 2004.
Lieutenant-Colonel T.S. Cox, and thence by descent Compare with a related silk brocade panel, late 19th century, in the
Bonhams London, 12 May 2016, lot 256 Minneapolis Institute of Art, Minneapolis, illustrated by R.Jacobsen,
An important European private collection Imperial Silks. Ch’ing Imperial Textiles in the Minneapolis Institute of
Art, Minneapolis MS, vo.2, p.1140, no.572.
T.S. Cox中校舊藏,並由後人保存 蘇州織造是明清宮廷所設專為「上用」、「官用」製作綾羅綢緞的織
倫敦邦瀚斯,2016年5月12日,拍品編號256 造機構,直屬清宮總管內務府管轄,管理機戶織匠織造皇家服飾、宮
歐洲重要私人收藏 廟陳設、及官員補服所用之緞匹。據記載,十八世紀,蘇州織造所轄
工匠四千餘名,織機千計;見J.Mailey著,《Embroidery of Imperial
有關蘇州織造之詳述,參考M.Dusenbury著,《Flowers, Dragons
& Pine Trees: Asian Textiles in the Spencer Museum of Art》,
R.Jacobsen著,《Imperial Silks. Ch’ing Imperial Textiles in the
Minneapolis Institute of Art》,卷二,2000年,明尼阿波利斯,
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