Page 162 - Liesurely Life Fine Objects Christies Hong Kong May 2018
P. 162

         JIN DYNASTY (960-1234)
         The bowl is moulded on the interior with two fish swimming
         amidst waves in the centre below a band of six floral spray panels
         on the cavetto. It is covered overall with a glaze of ochre-brown
         colour that stops at the unglazed rim exposing the fine white body.
         6 Ω in. (16.5 cm.) diam., box
         HK$600,000-800,000              US$77,000-100,000
         Compare a brown-glazed Ding bowl with similar moulded design
         but with a floral roundel in the centre, excavated at Zhelimu Naiman
         Mengqi in 1975 and now in the Jilin Provincial Museum, illustrated in
         Zhongguo taoci quanji – 9 – Ding yao, Kyoto, 1981, no. 113 (fig. 1).

         金   定窯柿釉印游魚花卉紋盌
         比較一件 1975 年於吉林省哲里木奈曼盟旗出土的褐釉印花碗,碗上印                         fig. 1  Collection of Jilin Provincial Museum
         花花紋與本碗非常相似,但是碗心為團菊紋,現藏於吉林省博物館,出                                    圖一  吉林博物館藏品
         版於《中國陶瓷全集 - 9 - 定窯》,京都,1981 年,113 號(圖一)。

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