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P. 166

         A FINE AND RARE LARGE JUN DEEP BOWL               金   鈞窯天藍釉缽
         JIN DYNASTY (1115-1234)
         The bowl is formed with deep rounded sides rising from the short   及臨宇山人舊藏一例, 2018 年 3 月 22 日於紐約佳士得拍賣,拍品 540 號;
         foot ring to the slightly incurved rim, and is covered inside and out   紐約大都會博物館藏一例,見 S. Valenstein 著《A Handbook of Chinese
         with a glaze of milky, sky-blue tone thinning to mushroom at the   Ceramics》,紐約,1975 年,頁 100,圖 94。故宮博物院藏有一件尺寸
         rim, with the exception of the foot applied with a brown dressing.   稍小(高 17.9 公分)的鈞窯缽,載於 1996 年出版故宮博物院藏文物珍
         The interior has a small purplish dot.
         7 º in. (18.5 cm.) diam., box                     品全集《兩宋瓷器(上)》,頁 245,編號 221。倫敦大維德基金會藏
                                                           有一件同類的鈞窯缽,惟器腹較淺,載於畢宗陶著《Song Ceramics:
         HK$1,000,000-1,500,000        US$130,000-190,000  Objects of Admiration》,倫敦,2003 年,頁 24-25,圖版 3。
         The present bowl is very rare for its large size and bold form with
         unusually deep sides. A bowl of similar proportions was formerly in
         the Idemitsu and Linyushanren collections, sold at Christie’s New
         York, 22 March 2018, lot 540; another is illustrated by S. Valenstein,
         A Handbook of Chinese Ceramics, New York, 1975, p. 100, no. 94; and
         another of slightly smaller size (17.9 cm. diam.) is illustrated in The
         Complete Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum, Porcelain of
         the Song Dynasty (I), Hong Kong, 1996, p. 245, no. 221. Another bowl
         of similar size but with shorter sides, in the collection of the Percival
         David Foundation of Chinese Art, now on long-term loan to the British
         Museum, is illustrated by Stacey Pierson in Song Ceramics: Objects of
         Admiration, London, 2003, pp. 24-25, pl. 3.


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