Page 170 - Liesurely Life Fine Objects Christies Hong Kong May 2018
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This lively modelled figure of a reclining boy belongs to a very small 本件青白釉童子側臥像塑造自然生動,神態怡然自得,是南宋景德鎮窯
group of fully sculptural figures made at the Jingdezhen kilns during 瓷塑中不可多得的精品。南宋青白釉圓雕瓷塑極為罕見,這批作品造型
the Southern Song period. On the present figure only a few small
areas such as the bottom of trousers, cuff and floral ornaments have 優美,其共通之處是人物的袈裟及須彌座多施青白釉,臉和脖子等其他
been covered with qingbai glaze, while the remainder of the figure was 部位則為澀胎,原先飾以低溫顏料。由於該等顏料未經焙燒,故極易褪
fired in the biscuit and would originally have been cold painted. A few 色剝落,綜觀已發表的傳世品,其顏料俱已脫落殆盡。就本件童子臥像
Southern Song qingbai figures of Guanyin are executed in a similar 而言,僅褲腿下部、袖口、以及幾處貼塑花飾施釉,其餘部分皆露出細
style, which are only glazed on the edge of their outer robes. A partially 潤的瓷質素胎。幾件館藏青白釉觀音像也採用了這種裝飾手法,僅在外
glazed figure of Guanyin, was found in 1964 in the foundations of a
Jin dynasty pagoda at Fengtai, Beijing. This Guanyin is now preserved 衣袍沿施釉。1964 年,北京豐台金代塔基曾出土一尊此類局部施釉觀音
in the Capital Museum, Beijing, and is illustrated in Zhongguo wenwu 像,現為北京首都博物館藏,圖見《中國文物精華大典:陶瓷卷》,香
jinghua daoidian - taoci juan, Hong Kong, 1995, p. 290, no. 405. Another 港,1995 年,頁 290,編號 405。上海博物館亦珍藏一尊此類南宋觀音
figure of this type bearing an inscription dating it to the 11th year of the 坐像,圖見同上,編號 402。此像無釉部份殘留顏色略多,底署「大宋
Chunyou reign of the Southern Song dynasty, equivalent to AD 1251,
is in the Shanghai Museum and is illustrated in ibid, no. 402. Compare 淳祐十一年辛亥」(公元 1251 年)。亦可比一尊施釉部分較多的南宋
also a qingbai seated figure of Guanyin with entire outer robes covered 青白釉觀音菩薩坐像, 2011年6月1日於香港佳士得拍賣,拍品3726號。
in qingbai glaze sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 1 June 2011, lot 3726.
In the Song dynasty, ceramic figures of boys were often made as bases 圖見同上,編號 400。另可比傳世兩件定窯童子枕:一件藏於北京故宮
of pillows. It is extremely rare to find an individual sculptural figure of
a boy. A qingbai ‘boy’ pillow in the Zhenjiang Museum, is illustrated 博物院,另一件藏於台北國立故宮博物院,分別載於《定瓷雅集—故宮
in ibid, no. 400. Two famous Ding ‘boy’ pillows, one in the Palace 博物院珍藏及出土定窑瓷器薈萃》,北京,2012 年,編號 42 以及《定
Museum, Beijing and the other in the National Palace Museum, Taipei, 窯白瓷特展圖錄》,臺北, 1987 年,編號 15。如本品這樣的大型圓雕
are illustrated in Selection of Ding Ware the Palace Museum’s Collection 瓷塑童子則極為珍罕,實為青白瓷中不可多得的佳品。
and Archaeological Excavation, Beijing, 2012, no. 42 and Dingyao baici
tezhan tulu, Taipei, 1987, no. 15 respectively.