Page 174 - Liesurely Life Fine Objects Christies Hong Kong May 2018
P. 174

         A RARE QINGBAI ARCHAISTIC TRIPOD CENSER           南宋/元   青白釉仿古紋獸面鬲式爐
         SOUTHERN SONG-YUAN DYNASTY (1127-1368)
         The censer is raised on three ribbed legs surmounted by masks,   來源
         applied to the body with raised archaistic scrolls reserved on a   徐展堂舊藏
         ground, covered inside and out with a pale aquamarine glaze   可參考一件近似例,造型略異,但腹部飾非常相似的仿古紋,腿部印相
         except for a circular area in the centre of the base.  若的獸面紋,2004年9月21日於紐約佳士得拍賣,拍品226號;及另一件
         6 ……/”ÿ in. (17 cm.), box                         腿部紋飾相似,爐身飾花卉紋的青白釉爐,1991年出土於四川金魚村,
         HK$400,000-600,000              US$52,000-77,000  定年南宋,著錄於《中國歷代景德鎮瓷器》,北京,1998年,頁103。

         The T.T. Tsui Collection
         Compare to a related qingbai censer of slightly different form, but
         with very similar raised archaistic bands on the body and masks
         surmounting the ribbed feet, sold at Christie’s New York, 21 September
         2004, lot 226; and another qingbai censer raised on similar tall
         legs surmounted by animal masks, but carved with a floral design,
         excavated in 1991 from a Southern Song kiln site in Jingyu Village,
         Suining, Sichuan province, and illustrated in China’s Jingdezhen
         Porcelain through the Ages, Beijing, 1998, p. 103.

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