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Similar to another board game – liubo (six rods) – in ancient China, 清十八世紀 紫檀嵌骨雙陸棋盤
double-sixes (shuanglu, a game related to modern backgammon) was
first introduced in the Northern and Southern Dynasties (AD 420- 雙陸,或雙六,同六博,都是中國古代執骰行棋的博戲之一。雙陸源自
589). It is a game between two players throwing dice on a board, and 西域天竺,魏晉期間傳入中國,盛於唐代,晚清逐漸式微。美國弗利爾
originated in the Sindhu Kingdom (a kingdom of India), which gained
popularity in the Tang dynasty (AD 618-907), and fell out of fashion 美術館藏有一幅傳唐代周昉所作之《內人雙陸圖》,描繪兩位唐代貴族
in the nineteenth century. A Tang painting, The Palace Ladies Playing 婦女正對坐玩棋,並有二、三人靜立觀棋的情景。
Double Sixes, attributed to Zhou Fang (c. AD 730-800) from the
collection of the Freer Gallery of Art, depicts a scene of two noble ladies 明代亦有棋桌帶雙陸棋盤。相關例件可參考《大美木藝:明清傢俱珍
playing double-sixes. 品》,北京,2014 年,頁 80-83。兩依藏有一相似例,上嵌後配象牙,
刊於柯惕思,《小件》,香港,2007 年,頁 150-151。其它類件亦可參
The ‘double-sixes’ tray was an integral part of games tables from the
Ming period onward. An example from the collection of the National 閱:伍嘉恩,《攻玉山房藏明式黃花梨家具》,香港,1991 年,圖版編
Museum of China is illustrated in Damei muyi: Zhongguo Ming Qing 號 62,頁 152-153;王世襄與柯惕思,《中國古典家具博物館的珍品》,
jiaju zhenpin, Beijing, 2014, pp. 80-3. A similar game tray, but inlaid 芝加哥及三藩市,1995 年,圖版編號 91。
with ivory, from the Liang Yi Collection was included in Curtis Evarts,
Small Objects, Hong Kong, 2007, pp. 150-1. Other similar examples 有關雙陸棋的討論,可參閱陳增弼,〈Double Sixes〉,《Journal of the
are illustrated in Grace Wu Bruce, The Dr. S.Y. Yip Collection of Classic Classical Chinese Furniture Society》,第 2 冊,第 3 期,1992 年夏季號,
Chinese Furniture, Hong Kong, 1991, pl. 62, pp. 152-3; Wang Shixiang
and Curtis Evarts, Masterpieces from the Museum of Classical Chinese 頁 48-55。
Furniture, Chicago and San Francisco, 1995, pl. 91.
For further discussion of the game of ‘double-sixes’, see Asian Games:
The Art of Context, Asia Society, New York, 2004, p. 98, no. 8:4. Also,
Chen Zengbi, “Double Sixes”, Journal of the Classical Chinese Furniture
Society, Vol. 2, No. 3, Summer 1992, pp. 48-55.