Page 71 - Liesurely Life Fine Objects Christies Hong Kong May 2018
P. 71


               - 蘇州名匠朱彩刻款黃玉提樑卣



                   ‘[The Emperor decreed]: Have Zhu Cai carve the characters “he ting” onto the interior base,
                                      and “Qianlong nian zhi” reign mark on the base,
                                                     as well as “yong bao yong” on the underside of the cover.’

               黃玉材質溫潤,顏色酷似蒸熟的板栗色澤,於明清時期又有「甘                      AN IMPERIAL YELLOW
               黃玉」之稱,紋理酷似青銅器沁色,仿商周時期酒器—青銅繩扭                      JADE HANGING VASE
               則可見其銘刻,需要高超的工藝,不僅與《清檔》記載乾隆帝欽                      This exquisite vase is of the most attractive, rich yellow tone, known
                                                                 as gan huang (literally ‘sweet’ yellow). As early as 1388, it is recorded
                                                                 in the  Gegu yaolun, ‘The Essential Criteria of Antiquities’, that ‘the
               讚許,為少見的乾隆時期宮廷玉器雕刻佳作。而且能夠從《清檔》                     most valuable yellow jade should be stones with the colour of the
               中發現並印證有明確造辦處玉工的作品,對於研究清代宮廷玉器                      chestnut kernel, known also as gan huang. The smoky yellow is the next
                                                                 in quality’, (see Sir Percival David,  Chinese Connoisseurship, London,
                                                                 1971, p. 120). It is interesting to note that a matching record from the
                                                                 Qing palace archives can be found, which identifies the present vase
               據《清檔》記載,乾隆二十一年(1756 年)七月二十五日:(圖一)
                                                                 as gan huang. According to the Comprehensive Records of the Zaobanchu
                                                                 Workshops, on the twenty-fifth day of seventh lunar month of Qianlong
                  「太監胡世傑交甘黃玉提樑卣一件,傳旨:著朱彩照『禾                      twenty-first year (1756) (fig. 1):
                                                                    ‘The  eunuch  Hu  Shijie  presented  a  gan  huang  yellow
                  在提樑卣底外面;再『永寶用』三字,刻在蓋內。欽此。」                        jade hanging you. It is decreed: Have Zhu Cai carve the
                                                                    characters “he ting” onto the interior base, and “Qianlong
               今拍品「禾亭」銘,與《欽定四庫全書西清古鑒》卷十六所載周                         nian zhi” reign mark on the base, as well as “yong bao yong”
                                                                    on the underside of the cover.’
                                                                 The above description matches every aspect of the current yellow jade
                                                                 vase, including the shape, colour and inscriptions. He ting refers to the
               參見《故宮商代青銅禮器圖錄》,台北,1998 年,頁 353。                   name of a Zhou dynasty bronze you known as the he you, bearing two
                                                                 clan emblems very similar to the he ting inscriptions on the current vase,
               朱彩,乾隆早期宮廷造辦處著名刻字玉工,由蘇州織造選送入                       illustrated in Xiqing Gujian, ‘Inspection of Antiques from Zhou Dynasty’
               京。在乾隆八年(1743 年)至乾隆二十二年(1757 年)的造辦處
                                                                 (fig. 2). This bronze he you, previously in the Qing Court Collection,
               活計清檔中,顯示其主要為清宮玉器刻款、刻寶璽、刻御製詩,                      is now in the National Palace Museum and re-dated as late Shang
               以及玉別子上的文字,此外繁複細密的錦地紋、雷紋等細花紋也                      dynasty, illustrated in Shang Ritural Bronzes in the National Palace Museum
               會由他來進行雕刻。乾隆帝對於玉銘款字的深淺極為講究,乾隆                      Collection, Taipei, 1998, p. 353.

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