Page 74 - Liesurely Life Fine Objects Christies Hong Kong May 2018
P. 74

incised mark on the current lot            fig. 3  Impression of a Qianlong Imperial yellow jade
                           本拍品底部刻款                                         seal carved by Zhu Cai
                                                                          圖三  朱彩鐫刻甘黃玉璽印文

         在《清宮內務府造辦處檔案》中,留下了大量乾隆帝製作仿古玉                      It is also recorded that in Qianlong tenth year (1745), the Emperor
         器的記錄,然其中玉製提樑卣則為其中數量極為稀少的作品,而                      ordered Zhu Cai to carve two Imperial seals for him utilising yellow
         留有乾隆款作品則又為鳳毛麟角,黃玉作品惟見本拍品一件。另                      jade. One seal is carved with the characters  Qianlong chenhan,  the
                                                           other  weijing weiyi.  The  impressions of these  two seals  are recorded
         菲的品種則寥若晨星。如北京故宮出版發表有仿古青玉及白玉提                      in Qianlong’s  Baosou (compendium of seal impressions), and the
                                                           execution of the characters Qianlong is remarkably close to the reign
         樑卣四件,其中兩件青玉製品皆落有「大清乾隆仿古」六字隸書                      mark on the present vase (fig. 3).
         款,分別出版於《邃古來今  —  慶祝故宮博物院建院八十周年清
         宮仿古文物精品特集》,澳門藝術博物館,2005 年,頁 246,圖                 Among nephrite jades of ink-black, spinach-green, celadon, yellow
                                                           and white tones, it is the yellow jades that were considered as the
         88;及《故宮博物院藏品大系 - 玉器編 -10》,北京紫禁城出版
         社,2011 年,頁 86,圖 56。另兩件無款白玉提樑卣出版於同上,               rarest. There are very few examples of Qianlong-marked jade hanging
                                                           you, and the present vase is the only known example made of yellow
         頁 87,圖 57 及頁 88,圖 58。台北故宮則有兩件無款青玉仿古提
                                                           jade. Compare for example to two celadon jade you, both carved with
         樑卣,發表於台北故宮器物典藏資料檢索系統內。由北京故宮發                      Qianlong fanggu reign marks, one illustrated in Views of Antiquity in the
         表資料可知,「大清乾隆仿古」款提樑卣皆以青玉象徵青銅器之                      Qing Imperial Palace, Macao Museum of Art, 2005, p. 86, fig. 56, the
         色澤,並以「仿古」款識說明其製作緣由系模仿上古青銅器。而                      other illustrated in Compendium of Collections in the Palace Museum – Jade
         本拍品則將一種提樑卣形制,結合周禾亭提樑卣銘文,反映乾隆                      – 10, Beijing, 2011, pl. 56. The Palace Museum also has two unmarked
         皇帝仿古而不擬古之新意,因此特落「乾隆年製」款有別於單純                      white jade you, ibid., pls. 57 and 58.
         仿古之作,為罕見的乾隆御製宮廷玉器藝術之翹楚。                           From known examples, it appears that Qianlong fanggu reign marks are
                                                           often applied to celadon jades, as an attempt to imitate archaic bronzes.
                                                           The current vase, modelled after the Zhou dynasty bronze he you and
                                                           carved out of superb gan huang yellow jade, is clearly not meant to be
                                                           a faithful replica of an archaic object, but a novel work of art made by
                                                           the esteemed carver Zhu Cai according to the specific wishes of the
                                                           Qianlong Emperor. This may explain why the present work is carved
                                                           with a Qianlong nianzhi reign mark, rather than a Qianlong fanggu mark.

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