Page 73 - Liesurely Life Fine Objects Christies Hong Kong May 2018
P. 73
fig. 1 fig. 2
圖一 圖二
二十二年(1757 年)四月二十九日,乾隆帝於如意館選得新做白 The jade craftsman, Zhu Cai, according to the above record was
玉盌一件,傳旨於盌足內篆「乾隆御玩」款,並交蘇州織造安寧 appointed by the Qianlong Emperor to carve inscriptions on this jade
處照內務府所發款樣,篆刻陽文款,並特地交代:「字要一分深, vase. Zhu was a well respected jade carver selected by the Suzhou
如不能,或七八厘深,欽此。」所以,由本拍品所見朱彩篆字深刻, Central Bureau of Textiles to serve at the palace jade workshop inside
the Zaobanchu in the early Qianlong reign. His name is frequently found
而得乾隆帝之恩寵。乾隆十五年(1750 年),朱彩受乾隆皇帝欽
in the Zaobanchu records between the Qianlong eighth to twenty-second
year, in which he was often ordered to inscribe reign marks or Imperial
款第一次出現在宮廷御用玉器上。乾隆十六年(1751 年),為青 poems, and to execute intricate diaper ground designs on jade pieces,
玉《御製九符》冊刻詩,並得到乾隆皇帝特許留名,於「末頁著 as well as to carve Imperial seals. In the Qianlong fifteenth year (1750),
朱彩刻『小臣朱彩奉敕恭鐫』之款,欽此。」此一玉冊,是目前 Zhu was ordered to inscribe an Imperial poem on a jade cup, on which
所看到清代宮廷玉器中唯一帶有玉匠款識的作品,由此可見其受 a Qianlong yuwan mark ‘Imperial plaything for Qianlong’ was inscribed.
乾隆帝嘉許之程度。除本拍品為朱彩鐫刻甘黃玉作品以外,在《清 This is the first time a Qianlong yuwan mark had appeared on any
檔》中還留下了朱彩用甘黃玉為乾隆皇帝鐫刻御用璽印的記錄: Imperial jade pieces. In the following year, Zhu was ordered to inscribe
「乾隆十年(1736 年)刻字作,七月十六日司庫白世秀來說太監 an Imperial poem on a celadon jade album, which included his name
on the last leaf of the album. This is the only known Qing Imperial jade
胡世傑交來漢甘黃玉圖章二方。傳旨:一方刻「乾隆宸翰」(圖 piece bearing the name of a jade carver, reflecting the high regard the
Qianlong Emperor had for Zhu Cai.
二字與拍品年款極為一致,且皆為朱彩所刻。 Palace records also reveal that the Qianlong Emperor was very particular
in his desire for inscriptions on jades. It is recorded that on the twenty-
《清檔》稱此玉卣為甘黃玉,因明清時期以甘黃玉為上的記載。 ninth day of the fourth lunar month of the Qianlong twenty second year
明初曹昭著《格古要論》曰:「黃玉如栗者為貴,謂之甘黃,玉 (1757), the Emperor selected a white jade bowl to be inscribed with a
Qianlong yuwan mark. The Emperor decreed: ‘Have the mark incised
羊脂次之。以黃為中色,且不易得,以白為偏色,時亦有之故耳。 at one fen (~3.2 mm.), if not, then at seven or eight li (~2.24 or 2.56
mm.)’. This clearly indicated the Emperor had a preference for deeply
carved reign marks on jades as exemplified by the mark on the current
乾隆皇帝定「欽定入乾清宮做上等(頭等)玉 yellow jade vase.