Page 42 - Ham Asian Art Auctions May 2019
P. 42

2083                             銅鎏金無量壽佛坐像                        2084                                               2085
         BUDDHA AMITAYUS WITH             漢藏式   清乾隆康寅年(1770)或晚期            RELIC DEPOSITORY STUPA.                            LARGE STUPA WITH
         FIVE - LEAVED CROWN.             高18.4cm                          RELIQUIENBEHÄLTER STUPA.                           SEPARATE FIGURES.
         BUDDHA AMITAYUS MIT              此尊佛像由無量壽佛與底座兩部分分鑄、               Tibet/Nepal.                                       GROßE STUPA MIT
         FÜNFBLÄTTRIGER KRONE.            插合而成。無量壽佛頭戴五葉寶冠,胸飾                                                                  SEPARATEN FIGUREN.
         China. Qing dynasty. Engraved on the   纓絡,臂飾寶釧,著袒右肩衣,衣下垂至         Base and tip gilt bronze, Stupa from               Nepal. 19th/20th c.
         front of the base: Respectfully made in   底座正面中央,雙手結禪定印置於腹前,      crystal mounted with bronze, stone inlay.
         the year Kangyin of the Qianlong period   手中寶瓶已,全跏趺坐。下承方形底座,      Height 19.5cm. Condition A/B.                      Heavy copper bronze with gilding. The
         of the Qing dynasty (1770), but prob.   四角飾變形蓮花紋,座前鏨刻一行銘文                                                            lower part octagonal with standing
         later.                           「大清乾隆庚戌年敬造」,座內刻「萬」               銅鎏金嵌寶石水晶舍利塔                                        bodhisattva in relief, each in a flame
                                          字。品相等級A/B,背光缺失。                  西藏/尼泊爾   高19.5cm                                   aureole. The top is finished with a lotus
         Bronze with fire gilding. Sitting in                               品相等級A/B。                                           flower surrounded by a naga snake with
         dhyanasana on a throne with vajra   € 3.000 – 4.000 | $ 3.330 – 4.440                                                its head raised. The upper part decorated
         shaped volutes at the corners and a fabric                        € 700 – 900 | $ 777 – 999                          with a lotus flower. This part is round
         draped in folds. The hands in dhyana                                                                                 with a spherically vaulted dome and
         mudra once held a vase. He wears jewels                                                                              four curved niches with small, separate
         at his arms and legs, a necklace, earrings                                                                           Buddha figures. The tip conical and with
         and the crown, hiding a high chignon.                                                                                a corrugation, underneath cube - shaped
         Figure separately made and mounted on                                                                                with a face to each direction.
         the throne. Weight 849g, Height 18.4cm.                                                                              Height 52cm. Condition B. Middle part
         Inside the base an engraved inscription                                                                              missing.
         and a mark: Wan (ten thousand).
         Condition A/B. Crown bent, aureole lost.                                                                             銅鎏金大型窣堵坡
                                                                                                                              尼泊爾   19/20世紀   高52cm

                                                                                                                              € 5.000 – 8.000 | $ 5.550 – 8.880

         Buddhist Art
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