Page 43 - Ham Asian Art Auctions May 2019
P. 43

2086                                                                                                                 2088
         RARE BONPO THANGKA                                                                                                   RARE AND LARGE BONOP THANGKA
         WITH TRITSUG GYALWA.                                                                                                 OF SHENRAB MIWOCHE.
         SELTENES BÖNPO - THANGKA                                                                                             SELTENES UND GROßES
         MIT TRITSUG GYALWA.                                                                                                  BÖNPO - THANGKA DES SHENRAB
         Tibet. 18th c.                                                                                                       MIWOCHE.
                                                                                                                              Tibet/Bhutan. 19th c.
         Pigments on fabric. The picture shows
         the founder of the Bonpo doctrine Tonpa                                                                              Pigments and gold leaf on fabric. The
         Shenrab in his form as enlightened                                                                                   founder of the Bon doctrine, Shenrab
         conqueror Tritsug Gyalwa. Sixteen great                                                                              Miwoche resp. Tonpa Shenrab in several
         Tibetan teachers of the Bonpo tradition                                                                              stages of his life accompanied by
         surround him. In the top ranks Bonpo                                                                                 numerous figures. He is said to have been
         deities. 75 x 52cm, total size: 95.5 x 67cm.                                                                         born almost 4,000 years ago and his life
         Framed with passe - partout and glass.                                                                               story resembles that of Buddha. He was
         Condition A/B. Lower right with a                                                                                    also born as a prince. In the lower part,
         damage.                                                                                                              he is shown in worldly garments. Further
                                                                                                                              up and in the center he appears as an
         Provenance:                                                                                                          enlightened entity. Inscriptions comment
          - Private collection. Acquired 1977 from                                                                            some of the stations.
         Schöttle Ostasiatica, Stuttgart. Cat. 21.
                                                                                                                              The painting mounted with Chinese silk
         Expertise:                                                                                                           with woven patterns in gold dating to
          - Dr. Detlef I. Lauf, Schöttle Ostasiatika,                                                                         the 18th/19th c. 132x73cm, painting size
         No. 6801, 18.03.1977.                                                                                                87x55cm. On the back a red consecration
                                                                                                                              inscription and wax seal. Framed with
         罕見苯教敦巴辛饒唐卡                                                                                                           glass. Condition A/B.
         西藏   18世紀
         布面加彩   畫面75x52cm                                                                                                     Provenance:
         卡紙加玻璃鏡框裝裱 95.5x67cm                                                                                                   - Private collection Southern Germany.
         主尊為雍仲本教創始人敦巴辛饒,化現為如                                                                                                  Acquired at Hugo Ruef Auctions
         來,兩側各立一位弟子,背屏四周為苯教高                                                                                                  05.06.1974.
         來源:1977年購於斯圖加特Schöttle                                                                                               罕見大型苯教辛饒彌沃佛祖傳記唐卡
         Ostasiatica古董店,圖錄編號21。                                            2087                                               西藏/不丹   19世紀
         附:1997年3月18日Schöttle Ostasiatica                                  IMPRESSIVE FIGURE OF WHITE TARA.                   布面加彩貼金箔
         勞夫博士先生出具鑑定書,編號6801。                                               BEEINDRUCKENDE FIGUR DER WEIßEN                    以中式絲綢金線織錦牙子裝裱
                                                                           TARA.                                              配玻璃鏡框
         € 1.800 – 2.200 | $ 1.998 – 2.442                                 Sino - Tibetan. 18th or earlier.                   畫面87x55cm/鏡框132x73cm
                                                                           Copper bronze with fire gilding and                 彌沃(敦巴辛繞)坐蓮像,雙手結禪定印
                                                                           residue of cultic painting. The female             托缽,四周環繞表現其一生的重要階段,
                                                                           Bodhisattva of longevity in sitting position       其中一些以銘文標註。唐卡背面一行紅色
                                                                           on a double lotus pedestal with two lotus          開光文字及蠟印。品相等級A/B。
                                                                           flowers rising on both sides. Her seven             來源:德國南部私人藏品。1974年6月5
                                                                           eyes are clearly recognizable, symbolizing         日購於Hugo Ruef拍賣行。
                                                                           pristine awareness and the ability to see
                                                                           all suffering. The small figure exquisitely         € 5.000 – 7.000 | $ 5.550 – 7.770
                                                                           worked. The face and the hands
                                                                           excellently designed, further details finely
                                                                           The White Tara together with Buddha
                                                                           Amitayus and Ushinishavijaya belongs to
                                                                           the Three Deities of Long Life in Tibetan
                                                                           Buddhism. Weight 388g, Height 10.6cm.
                                                                           Condition A/B. Tip of the chignon broken
                                                                           漢藏式   18世紀或更早期

                                                                           € 2.000 – 3.000 | $ 2.220 – 3.330

         Buddhist Art
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