Page 48 - Ham Asian Art Auctions May 2019
P. 48

2104                                                                                                                 2106
         IMPORTANT NECKLACE WITH 39                                                                                           PAIR OF EARRINGS WITH
         LARGE MILA AMBER BEADS.                                                                                              GRANULATION.
         BEDEUTENDE KETTE MIT 39 GROßEN                                                                                       PAAR OHRHÄNGER MIT
         MILA BERNSTEINPERLEN.                                                                                                GRANULATION.
         Tibet.                                                                                                               Nepal. 19th/20th c.

         Butterscotch amber in orange and   Provenance:                                                                       Gold (ca. 750 assay), each inlaid with a
         yellow. Beads partly with metal repair.    - Private collection Hamburg.                                             stone. Weight complete 16g, each length
         The large and flat beads in graduated                                                                                 4.9cm. Condition A/B.
         sizes from the large ones in the middle   大珠蜜蠟項鍊                                                                                                                                       2106
         of the necklace. The surface partly with   西藏   長約110cm/重2.65g                                                       耳墜一對
         crusty black patina. Some beads repaired   蜜蠟珠直徑3.5-6cm                                                              尼泊爾   19/20世紀   長各4.9cm/總重16g
         with brackets from white metal. Weight   共39顆蜜蠟珠,呈橘紅至柿黃色,扁圓                                                          750黃金(18K金),各鑲嵌一寶石。
         2.65 kg, length ca.110cm, Ø 3.5 - 6cm.   形,從中間至兩端漸小。部分珠子有黑色                                                          品相等級A/B。
         Condition B.                     包漿,個別以白銅鋦釘修復。
                                          品相等級B。                                                                              € 700 – 900 | $ 777 – 999
                                          € 1.800 – 2.000 | $ 1.998 – 2.220                                                   2107
                                                                                                                              WOVEN BRACELET WITH
                                                                                                                              JEWEL FASTENER.
                                                                                                                              GEFLOCHTENES ARMBAND
                                                                                                                              MIT SCHMUCKVERSCHLUSS.
                                                                                                                              Nepal. 19th/20th c.
                                                                                                                              Gold (ca. 750 assay) with inlaid stones
                                                                                                                              in the fastener. Weight complete 24g,
                                                                                                                              length18cm. Condition A/B.
                                                                                                                              尼泊爾   19/20世紀   長18cm/總重24g

                                                                                                                              € 900 – 1.200 | $ 999 – 1.332

                                                                                                                              PENDANT WITH STANDING
                                                                                                                              TARA WITH LOTUS.                                                    2107
                                                                                                                              ANHÄNGER MIT STEHENDER
                                                                                                                              TARA MIT LOTOS.
                                                                                                                              Nepal. 19th/20th c.
                                                                                                                              Gold (at least 900 assay) in filigree with
                                                                                                                              inlaid stones. The Tara in pronounced
                                                                           2105                                               contrapposto standing on a lotus pedestal
                                                                           SQUARE AMULET                                      in front of a large mandorla with a head
                                                                           PENDANT WITH CUNDI.                                nimbus. She holds the lotus with her left
                                                                           QUADRATISCHER                                      hand. Her right directed to the ground.
                                                                           AMULETTANHÄNGER MIT CUNDI.                         Weight 30g, Height 7.3cm, Width 4.5cm.
                                                                           Nepal. 19th/20th c.                                On the back consecrating inscription.
                                                                                                                              Condition A/B.
                                                                           Copper bronze in repoussé with filigree,
                                                                           gilt and inlaid with stones. 6.9x7cm,              度母立像吊墜
                                                                           depth 1.3cm. On the back a consecration            尼泊爾   19/20世紀
                                                                           inscription in the shape of six pointed star.      高7.3cm/寬4.5cm/重30g
                                                                           Condition A/B.                                     900以上黃金(足金),金絲細工,鑲嵌
                                                                           銅鎏金嵌寶石方形十八臂準提菩薩嘎烏                                  身後為大型背光,左手持蓮花,右手施予
                                                                           尼泊爾   19/20世紀   高1.3cm/6.9x7cm                     願印。背面一行開光銘文。
                                                                           背面六角星形開光。品相等級A/B。                                  品相等級A/B。

                                                                           € 800 – 1.000 | $ 888 – 1.110                      € 1.400 – 1.800 | $ 1.554 – 1.998

         Buddhist Art
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