Page 51 - Ham Asian Art Auctions May 2019
P. 51
2111 2112
Burma/Myanmar. Pagan period AUSGEBREITETEM MANTEL.
(849 - 1287). Khmer. Angkor Borei. 7th – 9th c.
Bronze with dark and green patina, with Dark grey stone with earth adherence.
residue of gilding. The Buddha in lotus Standing on a pedestal with a pin. Falling
posture is elegantly designed and shows from his raised hands, the samghati
the influence of the Buddhist art after the garment shown as a curved double line
Pala period of India. The face lowered in in an elegant arch in front of the legs
a light smile, the hands lively and with with the ends of the fabric draped in
moving fingers. His three - part kasaya wavy folds. The face with a concentrated
garment of sheer fabric indicated as a expression with full lips and almost
fine relief with folds on the left shoulder, closed eyes. Covering the head and the
chest and back with hems as fine relief ushnisha, the hair represented as relatively
lines on the chest and along the legs. The large spirals in relief, as typically. On
hair stylized as small bumps, the ushnisha the décolleté, the hem of the garment
crowned by a leaf on top of the head. depicted as a fine relief line. The slender
Characteristic are also the three neck complexion of the body is clearly visible
folds. The back is modeled as detailed as under the garment. Height with base
the front. 43cm, Width 13.5cm, depth 7cm.
Condition B. Head newly attached, both
The size and the quality of artisanship hands broken off.
are suggesting that this Buddha had
its place in a temple or shrine. For Provenance.
securing, a boardlock is positioned on - Private collection Northern Germany.
the back between the shoulder blades. Acquired locally in the 1990s.
Height 45cm, Width 30cm, depth 18cm.
Condition B. Partly corroded, missing Compare:
parts damages and repairs. - The Nelson - Atkins Museum of Art. No.
35 - 33, a similar standing Buddha.
- Private collection Northern Germany, € 15.000 – 25.000 | $ 16.650 – 27.750
acquired locally in the early 1990s.
- Burmese family in Pagan, inherent since
€ 10.000 – 15.000 | $ 11.100 – 16.650
South-East Asia
German Private Collection