Page 55 - Ham Asian Art Auctions May 2019
P. 55

2122                                                                                                                 2124
         LARGE BUDDHA HEAD.                                                                                                   IMPORTANT AND RARE
         GROßER BUDDHA - KOPF.                                                                                                BUDDHA IN DRY LACQUER.
         Thailand or Laos. 18th/19th c.                                                                                       MUSEALER BUDDHA AUS
         Bronze with residue of lacquer gilding.                                                                              Myanmar/Burma. 18th/19th c.
         The face with calm expression, in the
         almost closed eyes the inlay with mirror                                                                             Dark red dry lacquer (man phaya) with
         glass and lacquer is partly preserved.                                                                               residue of gilding. Base closed with wood,
         The brow arches, the eye contours and                                                                                separate tip from lacquered wood. Sitting
         those of the lips in fine relief lines. The                                                                           in vajrasana on a high base with his
         earlobes are elongated (both repaired).                                                                              elegantly elongated hands in bhumisparsa
         The hair shown as small spikes, the finial                                                                            and dhyana mudra. The hair depicted as
         of the ushnisha is missing. Height 34cm,                                                                             fine tips. The garment in relief with the
         Width 22cm. On a wooden base.                                                                                        sash draped in folds over the left shoulder.
         Condition A/B.
                                                                                                                              For the dry lacquer technique the rough
         Provenance:                                                                                                          shape is built from bamboo and clay, over
          - Private collection Bremen. Acquired by                                                                            which layers of fabric soaked in lacquer
         the grandfather of the present owner                                                                                 are draped. After hardening of the
         locally in 1903.                                                                                                     lacquer the inner core is taken out and
                                                                                                                              here a wooden panel was inserted at the
         € 1.400 – 1.800 | $ 1.554 – 1.998                                                                                    base for giving it some extra weight, as
                                                                                                                              the dry lacquer is very light. Figures of this
                                                                                                                              size in dry lacquer are extremely rare in
                                                                                                                              western collections. Weight only 14.4kg,
                                                                                                                              Height 98cm. Condition A/B.

                                                                                                                               - Private collection Berlin. 1975 - 78
                                                                                                                              acquired locally.

                                                                                                                               - R. Isaaca & T.R. Blurton: Visions from the
                                                                                                                              Golden Land. Chicago 2000, no. 72 - 74,
                                                                                                                              p. 129 - 132.
                                                                                                                               - Sylvia Fraser - Lu: Burmese Lacquerware.
                                                                                                                              Bangkok 1985, p. 108 - 9.

                                                                                                                              € 5.000 – 7.000 | $ 5.550 – 7.770

                                                                           TORSO OF A BUDDHA.
                                                                           TORSO EINES BUDDHA.
                                                                           Thailand. Sukhothai style, Kamphaeng
                                                                           Phet style, but later.

                                                                           Bronze with dark patina. The large,
                                                                           spiraled curls for the hair and the elegant
                                                                           design are reminiscent of Sukhothai
                                                                           period Buddha in Kamphaeng Phet
                                                                           style. However, the lowered eyes formed
                                                                           without a possibility for the usual inserts.
                                                                           Height 59.5cm. Condition A/B.

                                                                            - Private collection Cologne, acquired
                                                                           in 1982.

                                                                           € 1.800 – 2.200 | $ 1.998 – 2.442
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