Page 66 - Ham Asian Art Auctions May 2019
P. 66

2153                             Provenance:                                                                         2154
         PAIR OF FLAME - SHAPED DOUBLE     - Collection Ulrich Braun (1941 - 97),                                             BOYS HELMET, MAIL COIF HELMET
         LANCES, ARMOR AND TWO HELMETS.   acquired in the European art trade since                                            AND CHAINMAIL CUIRASS.
         PAAR FLAMMENFÖRMIGE              approx. 1964.                                                                       KNABENHELM, HELM UND KÜRASS
         DOPPELLANZEN, RÜSTUNG UND ZWEI                                                                                       AUS KETTGEFLECHT.
         HELME.                           € 1.200 – 1.800 | $ 1.332 – 1.998                                                   Mughal India/Persia. 18th/19th c.
         Mughal India/Persia. 18th/19th c.
                                                                                                                              Iron, partly with gold and silver inlay
         Iron forged, wood. a) Lances with                                                                                    (koftgari). a) Helmet with dense flower
         wavy tips, in fine relief with portraits of                                                                           tendrils, details finely engraved. Reserves
         warriors between dense flower patterns.                                                                               of Islamic calligraphy along the rim. Neck
         Shafts of wood (possibly supplemented).                                                                              guard made of two - colored chainmail
         Total length 184.5cm, length 51cm.                                                                                   (zirah). Total Height 45cm, Ø 16.5cm.
         Condition A/B. b) Simple armor made of                                                                               b) Chain coif helmet (kulah zirah).
         ten narrow plates, chainmail (zirah) and                                                                             Pike with small plate on top. Total
         scale armor at the top part. Length 57cm.                                                                            Height 36cm. c) Cuirass from chainmail
         Condition B/C. c) Simple helmet (kulad                                                                               with nine plates. Total length 62cm.
         khul) with short neck guard in chainmail.                                                                            Condition B. Revised, partly lacquered.
         Complete Height 33cm, Ø 21.5cm.
         Condition B/C. d) Head protection in                                                                                 Provenance:
         chainmail. Complete Height 46cm.                                                                                      - Collection Ulrich Braun (1941 - 97),
         Condition B/C. Partly revised, lacquered                                                                             acquired in the European art trade since
         and parts replaced.                                                                                                  approx. 1964.

                                                                                                                              € 1.500 – 2.000 | $ 1.665 – 2.220
   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71