Page 141 - J.J. Lally Chinese Art CHRISTIE'S March 23 2023 NYC
P. 141

~874 A LARGE JUN TRIPOD CENSER                               北宋 金ǭ十Հ 十Ӳ世紀ǭ鈞窯天青釉大Ӳ足‐
                The compressed globular body is supported on three short feet and   Ϝ源
                is surmounted by a wide cylindrical neck rising from the shoulders   希臘駐華大ײ"MFYBOESF +  "SHZSPQPVMPT 	         
                to an everted rim with upturned lip. The censer is covered overall   ջ至    年ջ初
                with a lightly crackled sky-blue glaze of even tone thinning at the
                rim to a pale mushroom color.
                6 in. (15.2 cm.) high, hardwood stand, cloth box     The large size of this censer is very unusual as most Jun censers are
                                                                     of smaller size with somewhat shorter necks. A Jun censer of similar
                                                                     size is illustrated by R. Hobson in A Catalogue of Chinese Pottery and
                PROVENANCE:                                          Porcelain in the Collection of Sir Percival David Bt., F.S.A., London,
                Collection of Alexandre J. Argyropoulos (1894-1978), Greek   1934, pl. LXVII; and again by S. Pierson in Illustrated Catalogue of Ru,
                Ambassador to China, late 1940s-early 1950s, and thence by   Guan, Jun, Guangdong and Yixing Wares in the Percival David Foundation
                descent within the family.                           of Chinese Art, London, 1999, rev. ed., p. 38, col. pl. 95, with
                J. J. Lally & Co., New York, no. 4247.               description on p. 50. See, also, a smaller Jun censer of very similar
                                                                     form with sky-blue glaze in the collection of the Idemitzu Museum
                                                                     of Art, illustrated in Sį ji: shinpo no yakimono (Song Ceramics: Utensils
                                                                     of Sublime Beauty), Tokyo, 2018, p. 72, no. 54, with description on
                                                                     p. 147, and the smaller Jun censer with shorter neck sold at Christie's
                                                                     New York, 18-19 March 2021, lot 886.

 873 A JUN DEEP BOWL  北宋 金ǭ十一 十Հ世紀ǭ鈞窯天青釉盌
 The bowl has deep rounded sides rising from the slightly tapered   Ϝ源
 foot to the slightly incurved rim, and is covered overall with a    希臘駐華大ײ"MFYBOESF +  "SHZSPQPVMPT 	         
 glaze of milky, sky-blue tone thinning to mushroom at the rim        年ջ至    年ջ初
 and falling in a somewhat irregular line onto the foot. The recessed,   藍理捷
 unglazed base is inscribed with two characters in faint black ink.
 7Ω in. (19.1 cm.) diam., cloth box
 Collection of Alexandre J. Argyropoulos (1894-1978), Greek
 Ambassador to China, late 1940s-early 1950s, and thence by
 descent within the family.
 J. J. Lally & Co., New York, no. 4243.

 A similar blue-glazed Jun bowl is illustrated by R.Krahl in
 Chinese Ceramics from the Meiyintang Collection, London, 1994,
 vol. I, p. 221, no. 387. See, also, the Northern Song blue-glazed
 Jun bowl of this form and of similar size in the collection of Henan
 Provincial Museum, illustrated in Zhongguo Taoci Quanji: Song
 (The Complete Works of Chinese Ceramics: Song), vol. 7,
 Shanghai, 1999, p. 184, no. 186, with description on p. 274.

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