Page 142 - J.J. Lally Chinese Art CHRISTIE'S March 23 2023 NYC
P. 142

875 A CARVED QINGBAI TIXI-STYLE                            南宋ǭ十Ӳ世紀ǭ青白釉劃卷草紋梅≡
               VASE, MEIPING
               SOUTHERN SONG DYNASTY, 13TH CENTURY                  Ϝ源
               The tall, high-shouldered vase is carved overall with scrolling
               tendrils between double line borders, all under a crackled glaze of
               pale aquamarine tone that continues over the mouth and ends just
               above the foot.
               10¬ in. (27 cm.) high, brocade box
               J. J. Lally & Co., New York, no. 4630.

               The shape and decoration on qingbai wares were often fashioned   vol. 1, Tokyo, 1976, pl. 450. An example in the collection of The
               after contemporaneous silver wares, and the current meiping   Metropolitan Museum, New York, is illustrated in Oriental Ceramics,
               is no exception. A silver meiping decorated with ruyi-shaped   The World's Great Collections, vol. 11, New York, Tokyo, 1982,
               scrolls, excavated in a Southern Song hoard in Sichuan, for   pl. 59. A slightly larger example (28.6 cm. high) in the Idemitsu
               example, was possibly an inspiration for the design of the   Collection is illustrated in Chinese Ceramics in the Idemitsu Collection,
               current vase. The silver vase is illustrated in S. Kwan, 'Tixi   Tokyo, 1987, pl. 423, and another in the Meiyintang Collection
               wenyang fenqi chuyi', Proceedings of Conference on Ancient Chinese   is illustrated by R. Krahl in Chinese Ceramics from the Meiyintang
               Lacquer, Hong Kong, 2012, p. 65, fig. 11.            Collection, vol. 1, London, p. 325, no. 606. Two further qingbai
                                                                    meipings of this type from the Yangde Tang Collection, were sold
               Qingbai vases of similar shape and design are in the collections   at Christie's Hong Kong, 30 November 2016, lots 3140 and 3141.
               of important museums and institutions around the world. An
               almost identical example was in the Qing Court Collection,   Two very similar Song dynasty vases, with the cylindrical covers
               now in the Beijing Palace Museum, illustrated in The Complete   and the same combed scrolling decoration, were found in a
               Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum - 33 - Porcelain of   Southern Song hoard excavated in 1991 at Jinyucun, Suizhu,
               the Song Dynasty (II), Hong Kong, 1996, pl. 167. Two other   Sichuan province. See Newly Discovered Southern Song Ceramics -
               examples of varying sizes, one with a height of 26 cm. in the   A Thirteenth-Century "Time Capsule", Tokyo, 1998, p. 59, nos. 62
               Sichuan Chongqing Museum, the other with a height of 35.1   and 63.
               cm. in the Shaanxi Provincial Museum, are illustrated in
               Zhongguo taoci quanji: Song Yuan qingbai ci, vol. 16, Kyoto, 1984,   The result of C-Link Research and Development Ltd.
               pls. 20 and 101. Another example, registered as an Important   thermoluminescence test no. 8822YK03 is consistent with the
               Art Object in Japan, is illustrated in Mayuyama Seventy Years,   dating of this lot.

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