Page 145 - J.J. Lally Chinese Art CHRISTIE'S March 23 2023 NYC
P. 145

876 A VERY RARE BROWN-SPLASHED   北宋ǭ青白釉մ՞ज़笙執壺
 The domed vessel is molded and carved as a female musician
 shown dressed in a long blouse over a pleated skirt with the
 slippers emerging from beneath the hem at front, and with the
 hair elaborately dressed with flowers and topped by a six-petaled
 headdress. The top of the head is left open to serve as the mouth
 of the vessel, and the figure holds a hollowed sheng that serves as
 the spout opposite the double-strap handle. The vessel is covered
 overall with a brown-splashed, greenish-tinged glaze and has five
 wide spur marks on the foot rim.
 7æ in. (19.7 cm.) high, cloth box

 J. J. Lally & Co., New York, no. 4621.

 A very similar figural ewer in the collection of the Cleveland
 Museum of Art, formerly in the collection of Samuel T. Peters,
 was exhibited at the Los Angeles County Museum and published
 in the exhibition catalogue by H. Trubner in The Arts of the Tang
 Dynasty, Los Angeles, 1957, pp. 102-103, no. 271. The same ewer is
 illustrated by W. Watson, Tang and Liao Ceramics, London, 1984,
 p. 121, pl. 92.
 Another figural ewer excavated in Anhui province in 1994 from
 a tomb dated to AD 1025 in Susong county, near Anqing, is
 illustrated by Zhang (ed.) in Complete Collection of Ceramic Art
 Unearthed in China, vol. 8, Anhui, Beijing, 2008, no. 98. This ewer
 is of similar size to that of the current ewer and also has details
 highlighted in iron brown. The form of this Susong ewer depicts
 a Daoist immortal playing a reed pipe, and the hair is tied up in
 a simple cloth. A qingbai figural ewer, without such an elaborate
 headdress, from the Collection of Robert H. Ellsworth was sold at
 Christie's New York, 20 March 2015, lot 837. (Fig. 1)

 A similarly modeled porcelain figural ewer covered in a plain
 white glaze, dated Northern Song and excavated in 1971 at
 Tengyun village, Huaining county, Anqing city, Anhui province,
 is illustrated by Zhang (ed.), ibid., p. 150, no. 150.
 The result of Oxford Authentication Ltd. thermoluminescence test
 no. P110r22 is consistent with the dating of this lot.

 Fig. 1 A rare Qingbai iron-brown-decorated figural ewer, Northern Song
 dynasty (AD 960-1127), sold at Christie’s New York, 19 March 2015, lot 837.

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