Page 149 - J.J. Lally Chinese Art CHRISTIE'S March 23 2023 NYC
P. 149

880 A CARVED QINGBAI VASE                                  或為南宋ǭ青白釉劃蓮紋花ऑ≡
                The spherical body is carved with a leafy scroll bearing two large   Ϝ源
                blossoms below the cylindrical neck with a double-line band and   藍理捷
                the flared mouth with a petal-shaped rim. The vase is covered
                overall with a crackled glaze of pale blue tone.     A similarly decorated qingbai vase of this distinctive form is in the
                                                                     Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, Stockholm, and is illustrated
                7 in. (17.7 cm.) high, brocade box
                                                                     by J. Wirgin in ‘Sung Ceramic Designs,’ B.M.F.E.A. Bulletin No.
                $8,000-12,000                                        42, Stockholm, 1970, pl. 18a. Another qingbai vase of very similar
                                                                     form with incised decoration of fish in rippling water around the
                J. J. Lally & Co., New York, no. 4878.               body is illustrated in Song Ceramics from the Kwan Collection, Hong
                                                                     Kong, 1994, pp. 270-71, no. 117.

 879 A RARE QINGBAI FOLIATE DISH  元ǭ十四世紀初ǭ青白釉՞物故Կ圖菱ऑ盤
 The lobed shallow dish is decorated on the interior in white   Ϝ源
 slip with a scene of a scholar standing beneath a willow tree in   藍理捷
 conversation with a young woman holding a letter, with a small
 animal, possibly a sheep, between them, and the rim decorated
 with ‘pearls’. The dish is covered overall with a pale blue glaze.
 5¬ in. (14.4 cm.) diam., cloth box
 J. J. Lally & Co., New York, no. 4855.

 Qingbai ceramics with finely beaded decoration, such as that seen   A very similar qingbai porcelain foliate dish is in the collection
 on this delicate dish, were produced in the early 14th century.    of the Baltimore Museum of Art and illustrated by F. Klapthor,
 The applied 'pearls,' in underglaze slip, most often adorn cups, vases   Chinese Ceramics from the Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore, 1993,
 and figures; dishes are rare to find with this decoration. In Yuan   p. 39, no. 27.
 Porcelain and Stoneware, London, 1974, Margaret Medley illustrates
 a group of these wares, including a cup, stem cup, vase on stand   The scene depicted on this dish may refer to a popular Yuan
 and ewer (pls. 8a-10).  dynasty zaju drama, At Dongting Lake Liu Yi Delivers a Letter
 (Dongting hu Liu Yi chaun shu), showing the scholar Liu Yi meeting
 San Niang herding sheep by the Jing River.

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