Page 153 - J.J. Lally Chinese Art CHRISTIE'S March 23 2023 NYC
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Fig. 1 Gall-bladder-shaped vase in celadon glaze, Guan ware, Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279). National Palace Fig. 2 Guwan tu (Pictures of Ancient Playthings), handscroll (detail), 1728, Yongzheng reign (1723-1735). Sir Percival David Collection, The British Museum,
Museum, Taipei, 故瓷017702N000000000. London, PDF,X.01. © The Trustees of the British Museum.
館藏編號故瓷 / ۵玩圖
l ૯英博ḵ館П〥基金
admired by connoisseurs (see P.B. Vandiver and W.D. Kingery, At each firing there would have been some losses, making these distribution of the crackles, while the throwing of the neck often of the catalogue compare the National Palace Museum vase to the
"Celadons: The Technological Basis of Their Visual Appearance", ceramics extremely expensive to produce and additionally precious. set up stresses within the clay that resulted in visually pleasing Qingpu excavated example and date it to the Southern Song-Yuan
Appendix A in Y. Mino and K.R. Tsiang, Ice and Green Clouds: The wares were fired in a reducing atmosphere using wood and spirals in the crackle rising from the shoulders to the mouth. This dynasty. Two similar vases, also from the Qing court collection,
Traditions of Chinese Celadon, Indianapolis, 1987, pp 221-3). In order brushwood as fuel in order to facilitate the achievement of a bluish- can be seen to particular advantage on the current vase. It can but identified as Ge ware, have been preserved in the Palace
to achieve the optimum colour, texture and crackle, the vase would green glaze. It would have been very difficult for the potters to also be seen, although somewhat obscured by staining and other Museum, Beijing and illustrated in The Complete Collection of
first have been fired without glaze. Although the main firing of control precisely the atmosphere up the entire length of the dragon effects of burial, on a Guan ware vase of similar shape which Treasures of the Palace Museum, vol. 33, Porcelain of the Song Dynasty
Guan wares was done in a large long ‘dragon’ kiln, small kilns have kilns, and the best pieces – such as the current example - would was excavated in 1953 from one of the famous Ren family Yuan II, Hong Kong, 1996, pp. 40-2, nos. 35 and 36. Both the Beijing
also been found at the Jiaotanxia site and at the other Guan ware have been fired in the middle of the kiln. As the final firing was dynasty tombs at Gaojiatai, Qingpu district, Shanghai (illustrated vases have the more straw-coloured glaze with darker crackle
site at Laohudong. It is likely that these smaller kilns would have been at 1000-1100 C, both body and glaze are slightly underfired, in The Complete Collection of Ceramic Art unearthed in China, volume associated with Ge ware.
been used for this so-called biscuit firing. Biscuit firing to a low but above this temperature the glaze becomes transparent, and 7, Jiangsu and Shanghai, Beijing, 2008, no. 30).
temperature not only stabilised the body prior to glaze application, would have lost its much-revered lustrous quality. The continued imperial appreciation of Song dynasty crackled
but the removal of water from the clay also aided the production Another similarly-shaped Guan ware vase is in the collection of ware vases of this form is further evidenced by the inclusion of such
of a bluish glaze colour. After each application of glaze, the vase Although rare in the Song dynasty, extant examples of this vase the National Palace Museum, Taipei. (Fig. 1) This was included a piece in a long handscroll in the collection of Sir Percival David,
would have been fired again at a low temperature, before the form may be found among both Guan and Ge wares. Indeed, this in the 2016 exhibition Precious as the Morning Star: 12th-14th which was painted in 1728 for the Yongzheng Emperor (1723-35)
next glaze layer was added. Thus, some of the finest Guan wares, was a form that was particularly well-suited to crackled glazes. Century Celadons in the Qing Court Collection, and is illustrated in (see E. Rawski and J. Rawson (eds.), China – the Three Emperors
such as the current vase, may have been fired up to five times. On the one hand the smooth contours of the shape allowed even the catalogue on pages 164-5, exhibit number II-47. The authors 1662-1795, London, 2005, p. 253, middle row). (Fig. 2) The scroll,
圖錄頁 臺北:
ǯ官窯器胎色深重,正是्鐵高所致ǯ 利斯:
ǯ為營造最צ的色ḞǮ質感及開片,本品先要經過素燒ǯ雖 段ǯ鑑於最後一次窯燒的溫度為 至 攝氏度,胎體ক釉料均略 度不及本拍品明顯,圖見《中國≢器出土全集》✄Ӯ冊之「江蘇Ǯӳ海」
然燒造官釉器主要是在大型龍窯進リ,ֿ郊壇Ӵ遺址ক位於老虎洞的 微欠燒,ֿ設若溫度更高,釉料即१透明狀,如此一來,官釉備ई推崇 編號 北京:
ս本拍品為例的ӳ品官釉器,大多顏色泛藍,釉質肥厚,釉面帶刻意 其ձ官窯遺址也曾發→較小的窯,它們很ज能便是㏎責此類素燒ǯ低 的瑩潤質感便會蕩然無存ǯ
為之的開片ǯ官釉器的質感與開片,有說是特意仿燒玉之質感ǯ官釉 溫素燒जս在施釉之前穩定胎質,還ज去除胎土中的水份,有助於⊄ 臺北故宮ՔⅧ藏一例形制相仿的官釉≡,它曾ՙ相於 年「貴ַ晨
常⋎施,甚至多達四層,ײ釉質與१色益顯腴潤ǯ官釉所्氧化┬ ⊂泛藍的釉色ǯ每回施釉之後,≡體必須入窯低溫燒造,然後再罩施 此類膽≡在宋ջ甚罕,ֿ官ড়Հ窯均有傳世的近ַ之הǯ㊦然,這一 星:清宮傳世十Հ至十四世紀青≢特展」 詳見圖錄頁 ,展品編號
高達 ,相較之Ӵ,龍泉釉的氧化┬ग有 ǯ故此,官釉較為 औ一層釉料ǯ因此,ս本拍品為例的ӳ乘官釉器,動輒為Ն次窯燒而 形制與紋片釉堪稱天ה之भ:一方面,膽≡曲線柔ক,紋片因而分ׁ均 **
黏稠,更易⊄⊂鑑藏家歷來推崇的開片効果,詳見1 # 7BOEJWFS與 成ǯ每次窯燒過後,總有一批殘損之ה,所ս此類ה品成本不菲,ㅳ成 勻;औ一方面,≡頸胎土在拉坯時形成的張力,造就Ի器肩至ऑ沿之間 ջ為南宋ㅳ品ǯ北京故宮博物院也有兩։清宮舊藏近ַ例,據館方鑑
8 % ,JOHFSZभ撰的 $FMBEPOT 5IF 5FDIOPMPHJDBM #BTJT PG 5IFJS 品Ք格外罕貴ǯ官窯器物是⊇燃燒木ক柴形成的還原焰來燒造,這Ք 賞心悅目的旋狀紋片ǯ凡此種種,本拍品無不詮釋得淋漓盡致ǯ該✙ 定為ড়窯器,圖見《故宮博物院藏文物Ⅷ品全集 :兩宋≢器 Ӵ
》 香
7JTVBM "QQFBSBODF ,全文載於蓑㎒與蔣՞ক之著ה《*DF BOE (SFFO 有助於⊄⊂泛藍的天青色ǯ若要精準控制整段龍窯的窯燒氣氛,對陶 特徵Ք見於著ल的元ջ任氏墓群官釉≡,此例於 年在ӳ海青浦區 港:
頁 編號 及 ǯ這兩։北京故宮膽≡的釉色均微微泛
$MPVET 5SBEJUJPOT PG $IJOFTF $FMBEPO》頁 附錄" 印✄安納波 工而㈲難度極大,像本拍品這樣的צ妙之ה,燒造時應是置於龍窯中 高家झ出土,其造型與本品相若,ֿ由於沁色及其ձ墓葬因素,其清晰 黃,紋片顏色較深,१典型的ড়窯特徵ǯ
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