Page 155 - J.J. Lally Chinese Art CHRISTIE'S March 23 2023 NYC
P. 155

This vase has a prestigious provenance,
 having previously been owned by one of the
 great collectors from the golden age of

 Chinese art collection in Europe – the Swedish

 collector Carl Kempe (1884-1967), whose
 particular passion was for fine Tang and Song
 dynasty monochrome wares.

 Fig. 3 Carl Kempe, 1912.
 History and Art Collection / Alamy Stock Photo
 卡ḓĤগ普,    年

 which is one of a series, is entitled Guwan tu Pictures of Ancient   in the early 1920s, and from the 1930s onwards he developed a
 Playthings, and depicts a selection of antiques, crafted primarily in   particular interest in Chinese white-glazed and celadon-glazed
 ceramic, jade and bronze, from the imperial collection. At the end   wares, especially those from the Tang-Song period, including
 of the scroll an empty imperial throne is depicted, as if awaiting   crackle-glazed vessels. It was probably HRH Crown Prince Gustaf
 the emperor’s appearance to peruse his treasures.  Adolf (1882-1973, from 1950 HM King Gustaf VI Adolf), who
 was on the Committee of Honour for the International Exhibition of
 This vase has a prestigious provenance, having previously been   Chinese Art held at the Royal Academy in London in 1935-36, who
 owned by one of the great collectors from the golden age of   suggested that Carl Kempe loan twelve items (primarily ceramics)
 Chinese art collection in Europe – the Swedish collector Carl   to the International Exhibition of Chinese Art.
 Kempe (1884-1967), whose particular passion was for fine Tang and
 Song dynasty monochrome wares. Kempe was an industrialist and   Made for the court of the Southern Song emperor, the current vase
 an active philanthropist, who was also a keen sportsman - in 1912   reflects the refined aesthetic traditions of the Northern Song court,
 winning an Olympic silver medal in the indoor tennis doubles   while belonging to a group of wares so highly esteemed by successive
 at the Stockholm Summer Olympics with his partner Gunnar   generations of connoisseurs that it was to influence the ceramics
 Setterwall. (Fig. 3) Carl Kempe’s interest in Chinese art began   made for the Chinese imperial court well into the Qing dynasty.

 歷ջ宮廷皆對此類紋片宋≢趨之若鶩,最צ佐證莫過於    年為雍正  ‼ǯձ早於    年ջ初已對中國藝ワ萌⊂興趣,自Ӳ十年ջ起,更迷ӳ
 皇帝 	公元    至    年
 繪ㅳ的手卷,圖中也有一例近ַ膽≡,該畫  Իս唐宋為主的中國白釉ক青釉器,當中不乏紋片之הǯ    至
 出自大維德爵士舊藏,圖見&  3BXTLJ與+  3BXTPOभ編的《盛世華章》  年期間,倫敦皇家藝ワ學院舉辦「中國藝ワ國際展㈇ 	*OUFSOBUJPOBM
 頁   中排 	倫敦:    
ǯ手卷題為《ऒ玩圖》,來自一系列卷軸,畫中  FYIJCJUJPO PG $IJOFTF "SU
」,ऒ斯塔夫王儲 	)3) $SPXO 1SJODF
 描摹Ի一組精心挑選的宮廷ऒ玩,ս陶≢Ǯ玉雕ক青銅器為主ǯ卷末繪  (VTUBG "EPMG,⊂卒年為    至    年,    年登基為ऒ斯塔夫六世
 一寶座,座ӳ空空如也,恍若靜٣皇ӳ駕臨御㈇प式Ⅷ玩ǯ  出任榮譽委員會成員,坎普當年很ज能是應王儲之邀,श展㈇會٨出十
 本品系出ल門,它來自⇧典收藏家卡‰Ĥ坎普 	    至    年,歐洲庋
 Ⅷ藏,其收藏焦點為唐宋單色釉  本拍品是特為南宋宮廷燒造的御ㅳⅧ品,它既體→Ի北宋宮廷素雅➯
 צ器ǯ坎普既是一ल熱心公益的企業家,更是一ल運動健將,曾與搭  約的審美㈊,更是後世藏家奉為圭臬的❧例之一,對中國宮廷御≢的
 檔(VOOBS 4FUUFSXBMM贏得斯德ড়‰摩夏季奧運會的室內網↗雙打銀  影響極其深遠,晚至清ջխ仿燒不斷ǯ

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