Page 249 - J.J. Lally Chinese Art CHRISTIE'S March 23 2023 NYC
P. 249

~929 A MOTHER-OF-PEARL-INLAID BLACK                          元ǭ十Ӳ 十四世紀ǭ
                LACQUER RECTANGULAR TRAY                             黑漆に鈿月影梅紋長方盤
                YUAN DYNASTY, 13TH-14TH CENTURY
                The shallow tray is raised on four cabriole feet and is inlaid with   Ϝ源
                                                                     +FBO 1JFSSF %VCPTD 	         
                mother-of-pearl on the interior with flowering prunus branches
                                                                     埃斯卡納齊 -UE 
                beneath a crescent moon, all on a dark brownish-black ground.
                The base is lacquered in red with a signature possibly reading
                Huai Chuan.                                          展覽
                12√ in. (32.6 cm.) long, silk pouch, Japanese double wood box,

                cloth wrap                                           %VCPTD $PMMFDUJPO BOE 0UIFST」     年  月    日
                PROVENANCE:                                          $PMMFDUJPO BOE 0UIFST》
                Jean-Pierre Dubosc (1904-1988) Collection, Kamakura and Paris.  .  ,PQQMJO
                Eskenazi Ltd., London, 1992.                         -BDLLVOTU  "VTHFXäIMUF "SCFJUFO 	$BUBMPHVF PG &BTU "TJBO
                J. J. Lally & Co., New York, no. 1710.               -BDRVFS "SU  4FMFDUFE 8PSLT
                London, Eskenazi, Ltd., Chinese Lacquer from the Jean-Pierre Dubosc   The theme of flowering plum blossoms was a popular motif in the
                Collection and Others, 8-22 December 1992.           Song and Yuan dynasties and can be found in lacquer and other
                                                                     media. A mother-of-pearl-inlaid black lacquer dish of octagonal
                                                                     form decorated with blossoming plum branches in a similar style,
                Eskenazi, Ltd., Chinese Lacquer from the Jean-Pierre Dubosc Collection
                                                                     now in The Metropolitan Museum of Art, is illustrated by J. Watt
                and Others, London, 1992, pp. 42-43, no. 12.
                M. Kopplin, Museum Für Lackkunst, Katalog Ostasiatische   and B. Ford in East Asian Lacquer, The Florence and Herbert Irving
                Lackkunst: Ausgewählte Arbeiten (Catalogue of East Asian Lacquer   Collection, New York, 1991, pp. 126-128, no. 55. See, also, a Song-
                                                                     Yuan dynasty black lacquer table screen similarly decorated with
 928 A GILT-DECORATED RED AND BLACK   元ǭ十四世紀ǭ   Art: Selected Works), Münster, 1993, p. 63, pl. 26.  mother-of-pearl-inlaid blossoming plum branches, in the Asian Art
 LACQUER OCTAFOIL BOX AND COVER  朱漆描金寳相花紋葵≓式蓋盒                       Museum of San Francisco, illustrated in Hai-Wai Yi-Chen (Chinese
 YUAN DYNASTY, 14TH CENTURY                                          Art in Overseas Collections: Lacquer Ware), Taipei, 1987, p. 51,
 The lobed box is gilt-decorated on the exterior with leafy scroll on a   Ϝ源   no. 49.
 lacquered crimson ground. The cover of conforming shape is similarly   藍理捷
 decorated, with a large stylized lotus blossom in the center and an   The lyrical depiction of prunus blossoms beneath a crescent moon
 s-scroll border. The interior of both and the underside of the box is   is also found on contemporary ceramics, such as the Baishe teabowl
 covered with black lacquer.                                         in this catalogue, lot 77, and a Longquan celadon carved conical
                                                                     bowl, Southern Song-Yuan dynasty, sold at Christie’s New York,
 5æ in. (14.6 cm.) diam., cloth box
                                                                     22 March 2007, lot 277.
 J. J. Lally & Co., New York, no. 4155.

 A ten-lobed black lacquer box and cover of similar form from a
 Northern Song tomb at Huai’an, Jiangsu province, is illustrated in
 Wenwu, 1963, No. 5, pl. 4, no. 4, with a line drawing on p. 50,
 pl. 3, no. 6. See, also, a black lacquer box and cover of related form
 from a Northern Song tomb at Xingzhu village, Wuxi, Jiangsu
 province, is illustrated in Wenwu, 1990, No. 3, p. 20, pl. 4, with a
 line drawing on p. 19, pl. 2, no. 5.

 The shape can also be found in contemporary silver. A six-lobed
 silver box from the tomb of Lü Shimeng and his wife near Suzhou,
 Wu county, Jiangsu province, dated by epitaphs to 1304 and 1315
 respectively, is illustrated in Wenwu, 1959, No. 11, p. 22, no. 4.

 Another interesting comparison is the s-scroll border on the present
 box which is similar to that found on Cizhou wares of the Jin and
 Yuan dynasties. See, for example, a Cizhou circular box and cover
 dated to the Song-Yuan dynasty, 12th-14th century, with similar
 s-scroll border, sold at Christie's London, 15 November 2000,
 lot 13.
 The result of Rafter Radiocarbon Laboratory C-14 test
 no. R 29698 is consistent with the dating of this lot.  (cover)

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