Page 250 - J.J. Lally Chinese Art CHRISTIE'S March 23 2023 NYC
P. 250

~930 A FINELY DECORATED LAC BURGAUTÉ                         十Ӯ 十八世紀ǭ黑漆に鈿高士圖圓蓋盒
               CIRCULAR BOX AND COVER                               款 「方扶九ה」
               17TH-18TH CENTURY
               The top of the cover is finely inlaid in mother-of-pearl, gold   Ϝ源
               foil, and silver foil with a scene of a reclining scholar admiring a   ૃ木堂
               flourishing lotus pond and two attendants, with one holding a fan   4ZEOFZ -  .PTT -UE 
     年 月
               and the other boiling water for tea. A quotation from a poem by   水松⒢山房莫士撝Ⅷ藏
               Zhou Dunyi is inscribed on the top left and is followed by a square   藍理捷
               seal with the name Fujiu. The interior of the cover is inlaid with a
               chrysanthemum bouquet tied with a ribbon. The exterior of the box   紐約
     年 月     日
               is encircled by a narrow floral diaper and the base is inscribed with   編號
               a four characters reading Fang Fujiu zuo (made by Fang Fujiu). The
               interior of the box is further decorated with a group of articles for   ֨ḛ
 編號  及封
               the scholar’s desk.
               4 in. (10 cm.) diam., cloth box
               $60,000-80,000                                       The scene of a scholar beside a lotus pond in a garden setting was
                                                                    a popular theme in paintings and on ceramics and other works of
               Grace Wu Bruce, Hong Kong.                           art throughout the Ming and Qing dynasties, and is meant to
                                                                    evoke the refined lifestyle of the literati. The verses on this box are
               Sydney L. Moss Ltd., London, January 1987.
                                                                    from a famous poem on the same theme by Zhou Dunyi (1017-
               Hugh Moss, Shuisongshi Shanfang (Water, Pine and Stone Retreat)
                                                                    1093) entitled Ai lian shuo (On the Love of Lotus). In the poem,
                                                                    Zhou uses flowers to describe different types of men and presents
               J. J. Lally & Co., New York, no. x2627.
                                                                    the lotus as the “gentleman among flowers,” exemplary of the
               EXHIBITED:                                           character of the ideal scholar-gentleman. The verses on this box
               New York, J. J. Lally & Co., Elegantly Made: Art for the Chinese   may be translated as: “hollow at the center and straight outside;
               Literati, 13-27 March 2020, no. 10.                  no vines and no branches” (open-minded and upright; not
                                                                    overreaching and not diverging).
               J. J. Lally & Co., Elegantly Made: Art for the Chinese Literati,
               New York, 2020, no. 10 and cover.                    A lac burgauté circular box and cover of similar form to the present
                                                                    box and decorated with figures in a landscape on the cover, in the
                                                                    Shanghai Museum, is illustrated in Qian wen wan hua: Zhongguo
                                                                    lidai qiqi yishu (In a Myriad of Forms: the Ancient Chinese
                                                                    Lacquers), Shanghai, 2018, pp. 196-97, no. 131, and dated to the
                                                                    early Qing dynasty, 17th – 18th century.

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