Page 140 - The Parry Collection Bonhams London November 2 2021
P. 140
Xuande six-character mark, 17th century
Finely cast on a short foot, with a raised band of crisp overlapping lotus
petals to the rounded lower body, rising to the straight sides set with
a pair of mythical-beast head handles, below a key-fret border around
the rim, decorated around the exterior and base with thick irregular gold
splashes against the chocolate-bronze tone of the vessel.
13.2cm (5 1/4in) wide across the handles.
£12,000 - 18,000
CNY110,000 - 160,000
十七世紀 灑金銅簋式爐 Lot 47 (invoice)
Spink & Son Ltd., London
Mrs G. N. Parry (1923-2013), London, acquired from the above on
14 December 1960, and thence by descent
倫敦古董商Spink & Son Ltd.
倫敦G. N. Parry夫人(1923-2013)舊藏,於1960年12月14日購自上
The form of the present lot is very rare amongst gold-splashed bronze 直壁,獸耳,矮圈足。器腹下沿環以蓮瓣紋,口沿飾一週回紋,通體
wares. However, see a near identical form of a silver-inlaid bronze 灑金。本例器型於灑金銅器中頗為少見,香港蘇富比曾於2015年12月
incense burner, 17th/18th century, which was sold at Sotheby’s Hong 2日售出一例十七/十八世紀銅錯銀蝙蝠祥雲紋瑞獅耳爐,同署「大明
Kong, 2 December 2015, lot 67. Compare also with a related gold- 宣德年製」仿款,拍品編號67,是為數不多的可比對者。亦有倫敦蘇
splashed bronze censer, 17th/18th century, Xuande mark, which was 富比於2013年11月6日售出一例十七/十八世紀宣德款灑金銅銜環舖首
sold at Sotheby’s London, 6 November 2013, lot 214. See also a 耳簋式爐,拍品編號214;以及倫敦邦瀚斯與2021年5月13日售出一
related gold-splashed bronze incense burner, gui, Xuande mark, Qing 件清銅灑金簋式爐,拍品編號74,可資比對。
dynasty, which was sold at Bonhams London, 13 May 2021, lot 74.
The ‘gold-splash’ decoration was achieved by ‘fire-gilding’, a 泥,塗於銅或銀表面加溫,使水銀蒸發令金飾附於器表,再重複該過
technique involving the application of gold in the form of a mercury/ 程形成更厚的金飾層。
gold amalgam. Subsequently the vessel was heated to drive off the
mercury, so that the small amount of gold was left adhering to the
base metal. The process could then be repeated several times to
build up thicker layers of gold.
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