Page 142 - The Parry Collection Bonhams London November 2 2021
P. 142

           Xuande mark, 17th/18th century
           The deep vessel with rounded sides gently curving inwards and rising
           to the flaring rim, the upper body crisply cast around the exterior with
           a broad band of taotie masks flanked by stylised dragons and birds
           reserved on diaper grounds, above a raised inscription in Arabic to
           each side, reading: lā ʾilāha ʾillā -llāh, muḥammadun rasūlu llāh (‘There
           is no God but God, and Muhammad is the Prophet of God’), flanked
           by a pair of C-form handles issuing from dragon heads, raised on a
           stepped spreading foot with raised bow-strings, the recessed base
           cast with an apocryphal Xuande twelve-character seal mark reading:
           Xuande ernian Zhou Yi wei Xiuhuang Zhuren Zhi, ‘Made by Zhou Yi
           for the master of Xiuhuang in the second year of the Xuande reign’, all
           decorated with irregular gold splashes continuing onto the interior rim
           and over the underside.
           30cm (11 3/4in) wide across the handles.
           £15,000 - 20,000
           CNY130,000 - 180,000

           十七/十八世紀 灑金仿古夔龍紋阿拉伯文簋

           Parry Collection, London, and thence by descent


           The present lot is remarkable for its combination of cultural   圓身深腹,近口沿處微斂,口沿微侈,龍首形環耳,附珥,下承弦紋
           inspirations, although both for religious purposes. The gui form and the  圈足。器壁上部以精鑄錦地饕餮紋為飾,饕餮兩側為風格化之龍紋及
           archaistic design around the upper section and handles, were inspired   鳳鳥紋,線條優雅俐落。
           by archaic bronze ritual vessels, which were made during the Shang
           and Zhou dynasties for sacrificial purposes to the ancestors.    本例造型以及器身上部復古紋樣均源自商周二代用於祭祀之青銅重
           The prayer inscription on the lower register of the vessel is the   罕默德是真主的使者」,是穆斯林最為重要的禱詞之一。值得注意
           Shahadah, one of the most important Muslim oaths or prayers. It is   的是,器身兩側「先知」一詞均有誤,應為不熟悉阿拉伯文的中國工
           interesting to note, however, that the word rasul (Prophet) has been   匠的所作。如此結合古代禮器與伊斯蘭宗教用器,文化意藴十分令
           misspelled on each side of the vessel, most likely as a misinterpretation  人矚目。
           of the Arabic by the craftsmen in China.
           Bronze vessels with Arabic inscriptions were produced for the Chinese   帶有阿拉伯文銘文的銅器即為滿足其需要而生產。從十六世紀起,帶有
           domestic market, for use both by foreign Muslims living in China and   阿拉伯文銘文的中國裝飾藝術品逐漸出現,但傳世物中多見十七至十
           by the large population of Chinese Muslims. Chinese decorative arts   九世紀的作品。 1915年,倫敦維多利亞和阿爾伯特博物館曾展出一批
           with Arabic inscriptions range in date from the sixteenth century, with   帶阿拉伯文銘文灑金銅器以及其他造型的灑金銅器,皆出自Randolph
           the majority made from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries.   Berens私人收藏,見E.Mew著,〈Gold-splash Bronzes in the Collection
           A number of Arabic-inscribed gold-splashed bronze wares collected   of Mr. Randolph Berens〉,收錄於《The Connoisseur》,1915年11
           by Randolph Berens, alongside other gold-splashed bronze wares   月,頁131-144,圖版10、11、13與19。
           of various forms as well as figures, were exhibited in the Victoria
           and Albert Museum, London in 1915, and published by E.Mew,   灑金是以所謂「火鍍金」工藝形成,即以金溶於水銀之中,形成金
           ‘Gold-splash Bronzes in the Collection of Mr. Randolph Berens’, The   泥,塗於銅或銀表面加溫,使水銀蒸發令金飾附於器表,再重複該過
           Connoisseur, November 1915, pp.131-144, pls.10,11, 13, and 19.   程形成更厚的金飾層。

           The ‘gold-splashed’ decoration was achieved by ‘fire-gilding’, a   與本拍品造型相似者,可參考香港佳士得於2016年10月4日售出一件
           technique involving the application of gold in the form of a mercury/  清初灑金銅龍紋簋式爐,拍品編號60,惟器身無阿拉伯文銘文。另一
           gold amalgam. Subsequently the vessel was heated to drive off the   帶有阿拉伯文禱詞之例,則可見一例十八世紀銅灑金仿古香爐,售於
           mercury, so that the small amount of gold was left adhering to the   香港蘇富比,2002年10月30日,拍品編號350。本品之款識亦可參見
           base metal. The process could then be repeated several times to build   紐約蘇富比於2017年9月13日所售出一件十七/十八世紀銅灑金饕餮紋
           up thicker layers of gold.                        簋式爐,拍品編號142。

           For an identical form incense burner but without the Arabic inscription,
           see Christie’s Hong Kong, 4 October 2016, lot 50. For a large gold
           splashed bronze incense burner, 18th century, but with a different
           Arabic prayer, see Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 30 October 2002, lot 350.
           Compare also a gold-splashed archaistic bronze censer, 17th/18th
           century, with the same Xuande mark as the present lot, which was
           sold at Sotheby’s New York, 13 September 2017, lot 142.

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