Page 184 - The Parry Collection Bonhams London November 2 2021
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           A SMALL CREAM AND BLACK JADE      The representation of a phoenix perched on   AN ARCHAISTIC SMOKY ROCK
           ‘PHOENIX’ VASE AND COVER          rockwork next to a vase can often be seen in   CRYSTAL BELL
           18th century                      jade, sometimes as with the present lot with   19th century
           The baluster vase form carved with a phoenix   a mythical beast or lion on the cover. See for   Carved in low relief around the exterior with
           perched on rockwork to one side, the stepped  example a larger pale green jade ‘phoenix’   a central register with an eight-character
           cover surmounted by a mythical beast, the   vase and cover, 18th century, which was sold   inscription denoting the Eight Triagrams,
           stone of mottled grey, cream and black hues,   at Bonhams London, 6 November 2014, lot   bagua, between taotie masks above and
           with hongmu stand.                335. For a similar representation on a larger   pendent cicada blades around the base,
           8cm (3 1/8in) high. (3).          jade vase and cover, with phoenix and lion,   surmounted by an arched handle with
                                             18th century, see H.R.Bishop, Heber R.   mythical-beast-head terminals suspending a
           £1,800 - 2,400                    Bishop Collection of Jade and other Hard   loose ring, the stone of smoky-brown tone.
                                                                              8.6cm (3 1/2in) high excluding the ring.
           CNY16,000 - 21,000                Stones. Handbook no. 10, New York, The
                                             Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1909, p.56.
                                                                              £800 - 1,200
           十八世紀 墨白玉雕鳳紋蓋瓶                     The carver chose a mottled black and cream   CNY7,200 - 11,000
                                             stone to complement the archaistic form of
           Provenance:                       the vase successfully conveying the sense of
           K.C. Wong                         antiquity. For a related grey-green and black   十九世紀 水晶仿古紋鐘
           Bluett & Sons Ltd., London        jade vase and phoenix, 17th century, in the
           E. A. Parry (1879-1946), London, acquired   Asian Art Museum, San Francisco, see R-Y.L.   Provenance:
           from the above on 4 June 1930, and thence   d’Argencé, Avery Brundage Collection of   Parry Collection, London, and thence by
           by descent                        Chinese Jades, Tokyo, 1972, p.112, pl.XLIX.   descent

           Published and Exhibited:          墨白玉質,瓶身一側雕有鳳凰棲於石上,蓋              來源:
           Bluett & Sons Ltd., The Wong Collection   頂盤踞一隻瑞獸。此類紋飾在玉雕中頗為常      倫敦Parry家族收藏,並由後人保存迄今
           of Ancient Chinese Jades, London, 1930,   見,如一例十八世紀青白玉雕雙鳳蓋瓶,售
           no.483                            於倫敦邦瀚斯,2014年11月6日,拍品編號           The present bell with its archaistic design was
                                             335。紐約大都會藝術博物館亦藏一例十八世            inspired by early bronze ritual vessels. The use
           來源:                               紀玉瓶,以鳳凰及瑞獅為飾,較本例稍大,              of archaistic forms and designs was advocated
           K.C. Wong舊藏                       收錄於H.R.Bishop著,《Heber R. Bishop   by the Qianlong Emperor who called on
           倫敦古董商Bluett & Sons Ltd.           Collection of Jade and other Hard Stones》,  craftsmen to draw inspiration from antiquity.
           倫敦E. A. Parry(1879-1946)舊藏,於1930  手冊10,紐約,1909年,頁56。               A related archaistic agate bell, Qianlong, was
           年6月4日購自上者,並由後人保存迄今                                                 sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 8 October
                                             本例造型古雅,工匠更選取青白玉底上沁入              2013, lot 3336.
           展覽著錄:                             墨色之石材,間有條帶狀黑紋,傳達出複古
           Bluett & Sons Ltd.,《The Wong Collection of   之氣韻。舊金山亞洲藝術博物館館藏一例十   本例器型及紋飾以上古青銅禮器為濫觴,肩
           Ancient Chinese Jades》,倫敦,1930年,  七世紀青灰玉鳳紋瓶,同以墨色為沁,收錄              飾饕餮紋,腰以篆書刻「乾、坎、艮、震、
           編號483                             於R-Y.L. d’Argencé著,《Avery Brundage   巽、離、坤、兌」一周,下飾蟬紋,亦融合
                                             Collection of Chinese Jades》,東京,1972  了乾隆以來所推崇的復古風格。香港蘇富比
                                             年,頁112,圖版XLIX,可資參考。              曾於2013年10月8日售出一例清乾隆瑪瑙交龍

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           182  |  BONHAMS                        please refer to paragraphs 7 & 8 of the Notice to Bidders at the back of the catalogue.
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