Page 78 - 2020 December 2 Christie's Hong Kong Classical Paintings and Calligrahy
P. 78
882 883
882 883
ZHANG RUITU (1570-1641) MONK YINYUAN LONGQI (1592-1673)
Poem in Cursive Script Poem in Running-Cursive Script
Hanging scroll, ink on paper Hanging scroll, ink on paper
127 x 49.5 cm. (50 x 19 Ω in.) 121 x 40.8 cm. (47 ¬ x 16 ¿ in.)
Signed, with two seals of the artist Signed, with three seals of the artist
HK$280,000-380,000 US$37,000-49,000 HK$50,000-70,000 US$6,500-9,100
明 張瑞圖 草書王維《竹里館》詩 水墨紙本 立軸 清 隱元隆琦 行草五言絕 水墨紙本 立軸
釋文:獨坐幽篁裡,彈琴復長嘯。林深人不知,明月來相照。 釋文:妙哉管城子,善來禮佛爺,春風臨法窟,一筆化龍蛇。
款識:瑞圖。 款識:松堂老僧隱元書。
鈐印:張瑞圖印、揮毫落紙如雲煙 鈐印:臨濟正宗、隆琦之印、隠元