Page 81 - 2020 December 2 Christie's Hong Kong Classical Paintings and Calligrahy
P. 81

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            YAN DEZHEN (17TH-18TH CENTURY)                      WITH SIGNATURE OF ZHOU CHEN (17TH-18TH CENTURY)
            Strolling into the Mountains                        Travelling through the Mountains
            Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk              Hanging scroll, ink and colour on silk
            133.5 x 56 cm. (52 Ω x 22 in.)                      136 x 58.5 cm. (53 Ω x 23 in.)
            Inscribed with a poem and signed, with one seal of the artist  Inscribed and signed, with one seal of the artist
            Dated autumn, eighth month, jiawu year of the Kangxi period (1714)  Dedicated to Shao Erquan
            Dedicated to Yongxiao                               Colophon by Shao Bao, signed with one seal
            One collector’s seal of Emperor Qianlong (1711-1799)  One collector’s seal and one illegible seal
            HK$60,000-80,000                   US$7,800-10,000  HK$200,000-300,000                US$26,000-39,000

            清    顏德珍    抱琴尋隱    設色絹本    立軸    一七一四年作            清    周臣(款 )  江村行旅圖    設色絹本    立軸
            題識: 小窗前後對山開,樹底幽禽去復廻。                                題識:東邨周臣為邵君二泉寫。
                 隔岸忽聞人語響,松陰(隨)誰抱短琹來。                            鈐印:東邨
                 康熙甲午(1714 年)秋八月之朔,為用孝年社兄粲正。顏德珍。
                                                                邵寶題跋: 幾處村居隱綠蘿,野橋不見有人過。□山深浸雲千□,
            鈐印:顏德珍一字愚山                                                  □比滄□□更多。二泉山人邵寶題于惠山超然臺。
                                                                一印漫漶                                              75
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