Page 82 - 2020 December 2 Christie's Hong Kong Classical Paintings and Calligrahy
P. 82

Through The Enigmatic Eyes:

                                         Barren Tree and Birds by Bada Shanren


                    Relatively few of Bada Shanren’s late works in the xinsi year   八大山人辛巳年(1701)作品存世知見不多,《枯
                    (1701) are extant, and Barren Tree and Birds is certainly one   木雙禽》無疑是其晚年精品力作。因此自1940年代
                    of the most important masterpieces created during his later   開始,畫作便成為重要研究著作和出版的蒐集對
                    years. As such, it has been an object of academic research   象。
                    and publication ever since the 1940s.
                    A descendant of the fallen Ming imperial family, Bada   透過一樹雙鳥簡單題材,在前朝王孫心態與禪宗思
                    Shanren’s glum sentiment observed in his oeuvre is often   想的相互交融下,反映出塵世的觀照與冷寂心境,
                    also infused with Zen (Chan) philosophy. In  Barren Tree   細膩的物情有機地體現在他筆下的花鳥畫裡。此幅
                    and Birds he uses sparse yet swift brushstrokes, ink washes   構圖以對角形式呈現,右下一鳥立於枯木之上,畫
                    of various intensities, as well as a mixture of dry and wet   面處於靜止狀態,而著墨較重,於靜中取其沉穩;
                    applications, to craft a simple subject of a pair of birds seen   上方繪一鳥俯衝,以動態破開下方之寧靜。
                    here. The presentation reflects a recluse’s observation of the   上下斜對二鳥,形成繁簡動靜濃淡相映
                    world—he is detached, yet concerned about the organic   成趣的況味。
                    details which he meticulously renders. He arranges the main
                    elements diagonally in this composition. On the lower-  《枯木雙禽》首見於1940年東京聚樂社出
                    right is a bird perched on a barren tree: a quiet, static scene   版之《八大山人畫譜》,藏家乃日本名古屋
                    with heavy ink applications. On the top-left is a diving   人士櫻木俊一。櫻木先生於1914至1924年間受僱於
                    bird,  ready  to  pierce  through  the  serenity  of  the  lower   上海南滿州鐵路公司。其後《枯木雙禽》分別載於
                    section with its speedy approach. The opposition posed by   1983年鈴木敬編的《中國繪畫綜合圖錄》及1990年
                    the birds, in ink tonality as well as postures, injects a little   王方宇、班宗華之《荷園主人:八大山人的生命與
                    humour into the work.                        藝術》,實是舉足輕重的珍品。
                    Barren Tree and Birds  was first documented in the 1940
                    publication Hachidai sanjin gafu (Paintings of Bada Shanren)
                    when it belonged to Sakuragi Shunichi, a Japanese from
                    Nagoya who worked in the South Manchuria Railway
                    Co. Ltd. in Shanghai from 1914 to 1924.  It was further
                    published in  Comprehensive Illustrated Catalog of Chinese
                    Paintings compiled by Kei Suzuki in 1983 and Master of the
                    Lotus Garden: The Life and Art of Bada Shanren (1626-1705)
                    by Wang Fangyu and Richard M. Barhart in 1990.  A
                    pivotal masterpiece not to be missed.

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