Page 143 - Chinese Art Auction April 25, 2020 2020 Galerie Zacke
P. 143

          A cARVed AgATe WAsheR, QINg dyNAsTy
          China, 18th century. Carved in the form of a single curved lotus leaf,
          the rounded sides rising to a lobed rim gently curving inward, the   Weight: 86.3 g
          exterior with a lotus bud and it’s curled stem, which also forms the   Dimensions: Length 11.2 cm
          vessel’s base.
                                                            The translucent stone of attractive variegated tones of ochre, amber and
                                                            caramel, the center with a ‘fingerprint’ of white agate bands. Note the fine
           Provenance: Nagatani, Inc., Chicago, 1963. robert ‘Bob’ Mayer and   incision work to the interior and exterior of the lotus leaf.
           his wife, Beatrice ‘Buddy’ Cummings Mayer, acquired from the above.
           Collector label “0674” to inside. The            瑪瑙雕筆洗,清代
           Mayers were hugely influential figures           中國,十八世紀。筆洗雕刻成一張薄薄的大荷葉,荷葉側面向上卷,筆洗外雕刻著荷
           in the development of contemporary               花花骨朵和捲曲的莖。
           art in the United States. As a founding
           trustee and treasurer of the board, Bob          來源:1963年芝加哥Nagatani Inc. 藝廊。Robert ‘Bob’ Mayer 及他的妻
           was a leading force in the success of the        子 Beatrice ‘Buddy’ Cummings Mayer購於上述藝廊。底部可見藏家老標簽
           Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA) in              的創始受託人和財務主管,Bob在芝加哥當代藝術博物館(MCA)成長初期,是
           Chicago in its formative years. In 1944,         其成功的領導者。Hisazo Nagatani (?- 1994年)曾是Yamanaka的芝加哥藝廊經
           Hisazo Nagatani (died 1994), the former          理,1944年以自己名字成立了Nagatani Inc.
           manager of yamanaka’s Chicago gallery,   Bob and Buddy Mayer   品相:品相極好,老磨損和天然潤澤的包漿。一些天然細微的小瑕疵和裂紋。
                                       amid their collection in
           established himself under the company   1974     重量:86.3 克
                                                            尺寸:長11.2 厘米
           name Nagatani Inc.
           condition: Superb condition with old wear and an unctuous, natural
           patina. Some minuscule natural flaws and fissures.  estimate euR 500,-
                                                            Starting price EUr 250,-
                                                            A ROcK cRysTAl ‘PeAch’ bRush WAsheR,
                                                            XI, QINg dyNAsTy
                                                            China, 18th-19th century. Naturalistically carved in openwork as a
                                                            hollowed peach borne on a leafy and gnarly stalk. The stone of good,
                                                            near-flawless quality with only few small inclusions. Overall with a fine,
                                                            unctuous polish.

                                                             Provenance: A private collection of scholarly works of art.
                                                             condition: Good condition with minor wear and few minuscule, almost
                                                             invisible chips.
                                                            Weight: 100.3 g
                                                            Dimensions: Length 6.3 cm

                                                            有很少的內含物。 總體上表面光滑潤澤。
                                                            重量:100.3 克
                                                            尺寸:長6.3 厘米
                                                            estimate euR 500,-
                                                            Starting price EUr 250,-

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