Page 85 - Chinese Art Auction April 25, 2020 2020 Galerie Zacke
P. 85

          A yONgle chIseled IRON ANd WOOd
          ‘dRAgON’ sAddle

          Tibetan-Chinese, 1402-1424. The hardwood lacquered red on the   Literature comparison: The technique used to decorate the pommel and
          underside and tied together with string and strips of leather, the   cantle plates on this saddle are similar to a saddle in the Metropolitan
          pommel and cantle plates made in openwork of chiseled iron gilt and   Museum of Art, dated to the 17th or 18th century, accession number
          damascened with silver, the pommel with dragons amid clouds and   1997.214.1.
          the cantle with a floral design, all against a pierced scrolled ground.
                                                             AucTION ResulT
           Provenance: Gabriella Tallon, Studio Arga, Venice. Dr. Koos de Jong,   cOMPARIsON
           acquired from the above in 2010 (invoice not available). Dr. de Jong   Compare with a closely related saddle
           is a Dutch art historian and has been privately collecting Chinese art   sold by Sotheby’s New york in Indian,
           over decades. He has authored hundreds of articles and several books   Himalayan & Southeast Asian Works of
           on Dutch fine and decorative arts spanning from the Middle Ages to   Art on 19 March 2014, lot 81, for USD
           the modern era. In 2013, he published             $106,250, and with a tixi-lacquered
           an extensive study of Chinese riding              saddle from the yuan dynasty sold
           gear in “Dragon & Horse, Saddle Rugs              by Christie’s Hong Kong in Important
           and Other Horse Tack from China and               Chinese Lacquer from the Lee Family
           Beyond”. Between 1976 and 2009 he                 Collection, Part III on 28 November 2012,
           worked for numerous museums across                lot 2086, for HKD $3,020,000.
           the Netherlands and was the director of
           the European Ceramic Work Center in
           Den Bosch.                                       永樂鐵鏨金鏤空龍紋馬鞍
           Published: Dr. Koos de Jong, Dragon &   Dr. Koos de Jong and   漢藏,1402-1424。馬鞍木胎用皮革线和帶子綁在一起,用鏨鐵鎏金鏤空制成鞍座和
           Horse. Saddle rugs and Other Horse Tack   ingeborg de roode (photo   鞍板錯銀,可見龍紋祥雲紋以及花卉紋。
                                       courtesy of Stedelijk
           from China and Beyond, Amsterdam -   Museum Amsterdam)
           Hong Kong 2013, ill. 5.01, p. 57.                來源:威尼斯Gabriella Tallon的Studio Arga藝廊。Drs. Koos de Jong收藏,2010
                                                            年購於上述藝廊(發票已遺失)。Drs. de Jong是一位荷蘭藝術史學家, 幾十年來
           condition: Good condition. The wood with age cracks and some small   他一直私人收藏中國藝術品。他撰寫了數百篇文章和幾本書,內容涉及從中世紀到現
           chips as well as a fine dark patina. The metal with small dents, dings,   代的荷蘭美術和裝飾藝術。 2013年,他在《Dragon & Horse:Saddle Rugs and
           and minor losses, some fittings with signs of corrosion. The saddle cover   Other Horse Tack from China and Beyond》中發表了有關中國騎馬裝備的詳盡研
           made of red textile with yellow silk trimming is a later addition, probably   究。1976年至2009年間,他曾在荷蘭的許多博物館工作,並曾擔任登博世歐洲陶瓷
           from the Qing dynasty, with few minor tears and little creasing.  工作中心的主任。
                                                            出版:Dr. Koos de Jong著書《Dragon & Horse. Saddle Rugs and Other Horse
                                                            Tack from China and Beyond》, 阿姆斯特丹 - 香港,2013年,圖5.01,頁57。
          Weight: 6.0 kg                                    品相:良好品相,木料處有年代裂縫和一些小碎屑以及細膩的深色包漿。鉄具有小凹
          Dimensions: Length 54 cm                          痕和少量損失,有些配件帶有腐蝕跡象。紅色紡織品,帶有黃色絲綢飾邊的馬鞍蓋是
          This saddle represents a particular form found in Tibet, one that is Chinese   重量:6.0 公斤
          or strongly influenced by Chinese types. It belongs to a small group of   尺寸:長54 厘米
          closely related saddles that may stem from a single workshop or reflect
          a specific type developed in one region. Notable features are the lively   文獻比較: 相似技術和紋飾的馬鞍可見Metropolitan Museum of Art,時間爲十七或
                                                            十八世紀,編號 1997.214.1.
          dragons, chiseled free from the scrollwork ground, and the unusual   拍賣結果比較:相似馬鞍2014年3月19日于紐約蘇富比《印度、喜馬拉雅與東南亞工
          decorative technique involving silver damascening of the entire surfaces   藝品》拍號81,成交價USD $106,250以及一件元代剔犀馬鞍2012年11月28日于香港
          of the saddle plates, with select design elements highlighted by mercury   佳士得《千文萬華-李氏家族重要漆器珍藏 (III)》拍號2086,成交價HKD $3,020,000
          gilding over the silver. The Sino-Tibetan style of the saddle and high-quality
          craftsmanship indicate it was gifted by the yongle Emperor to a high Tibetan   estimate euR 15.000,-
          lama.                                             Starting price EUr 7.500,-

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