Page 88 - Chinese Art Auction April 25, 2020 2020 Galerie Zacke
P. 88

             A RARe lIAO dyNAsTy lAcQueRed WOOd sAddle
             WITh gIlT cOPPeR APPlIcATIONs

             Northwestern China, 916-1125. The gilt copper appliques shaped as
             dragons chasing the flaming jewel on the pommel as well as the cantle
             and as lotus flowers on the ledgers, on one side with blossoms in the
             form of pierced mythical beast masks.

               Provenance: Formerly in an American private collection. Collection
               of Dr. Koos de Jong, acquired from the above in 2007. Dr. de Jong is a
               Dutch art historian and has been privately collecting Chinese art over
               decades. He has authored hundreds
               of articles and several books on Dutch
               fine and decorative arts spanning from
               the Middle Ages to the modern era. In
               2013, he published an extensive study of
               Chinese riding gear in “Dragon & Horse,
               Saddle rugs and Other Horse Tack from
               China and Beyond”. Between 1976 and   Dr. Koos de Jong and
               2009 he worked for numerous museums   ingeborg de roode (photo
               across the Netherlands and was the   courtesy of Stedelijk
               director of the European Ceramic Work   Museum Amsterdam)
               Center in Den Bosch.
               Published: Dr. Koos de Jong, Dragon & Horse. Saddle Rugs and Other   It is extremely rare to find surviving Liao dynasty lacquered horse saddles,
               Horse Tack from China and Beyond, Amsterdam - Hong Kong 2013, ill.   and the present example appears to be unique. The use of lacquer and
               3.02, p. 35.                                     copper decorations suggest it was made for a member of the elite, who
               condition: Original, unrestored condition and very impressive   enjoyed sophisticated tastes as well as high rank.
               considering the age of this saddle! Extensive losses to the lacquer only,
               along with cracks, scratches and other traces of use. The wood with age   With an associated metal stand. (2)
               cracks and some small chips as well as a fine dark patina. The copper
               applications have lost much of the gilt and show small dents, dings, and   罕見遼代木胎髹黑漆馬鞍,鎏金銅配件
               a fine malachite green and copper red patina.    中國西北,916-1125。鞍橋上鎏金铜配件形状像巨龍戲珠,還可見蓮花以及瑞獸面
             Weight: 2.6 kg                                     來源:美國私人收藏。Drs. Koos de Jong收藏,2007年購於上述收藏(發票已遺
             Dimensions: Length 49 cm                           失)。Drs. de Jong是一位荷蘭藝術史學家, 幾十年來他一直私人收藏中國藝術
                                                                術。 2013年,他在《Dragon & Horse:Saddle Rugs and Other Horse Tack from
                                                                China and Beyond》中發表了有關中國騎馬裝備的詳盡研究。1976年至2009年
                                                                出版:Dr. Koos de Jong著書《Dragon & Horse. Saddle Rugs and Other Horse
                                                                Tack from China and Beyond》, 阿姆斯特丹 - 香港,2013年,圖3.02,頁35。
                                                                estimate euR 10.000,-
                                                                Starting price EUr 5.000,-

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