Page 93 - Chinese Art Auction April 25, 2020 2020 Galerie Zacke
P. 93
A Ruby Red-OVeRlAy ‘shOu’
glAss bOX ANd cOVeR, QINg
China, 1820-1920 or earlier*. The rounded box rising from a short foot
ring, the domed cover deftly carved through the ruby-red layer with a
shou character in the center and five bats along the sides, above three
peaches, three pomegranates and two Buddha hand citrons, all on a
transparent white bubble-suffused ground.
Provenance: British private collection.
condition: Good condition with minor wear and manufacturing flaws,
minimal nibbles, a small chip (1.2 cm long) to the lip of the cover, and
some open bubbles, mostly to the foot ring.
Weight: 338.3 g
Dimensions: Diameter 10.4 cm
Four-character Qianlong mark in overlay to base. The lips of the box and
the cover as well as the foot ring are carved from the overlay glass as well.
* There is a distant chance that this box was made before 1820, even
towards the end of the Qianlong period (c. 1780-1790), and therefore could
be mark and period, however the intricately incised rhombic pattern to the
background would be rather unusual for the period. Therefore, we chose to
date this piece more conservatively.
中國,1820-1920 或更早。圓形的盒子,短圈足,圓頂狀盒霏雪地上套紅寶石料,紅
重量:338.3 克
尺寸:直徑 10.4 厘米
estimate euR 500,-
Starting price EUr 250,-
A MusTARd-yellOW glAss bOWl,
China, 1727-1800. Translucent, virtually flawless and thick glass of
intense, mustard color. The deep vessel is of flaring form with a
slanted lip and supported by a massive, cylindric foot with a broad rim
and slightly recessed base.
Provenance: From a private collection of old Chinese glass, by repute
acquired before 1980. Thence by descent.
condition: Excellent condition with minor wear and firing irregularities.
A small loss to one of the feet of the hardwood base.
Weight: 497.5 g
Dimensions: Diameter 15.5 cm
Streaked by a few almost invisible veins and swirls to the base and exterior
wall, and with several larger bubbles to the base, sealed with polished glass
paste as part of the original manufacturing process. Extremely rare!
yellow was generally reserved for Imperial use, although a variety of
different yellow tones were produced at the Imperial glassworks throughout
the Qing dynasty ranging from a relatively pale color to a richer egg-yolk
color and to an ochre or mustard yellow, like the present bowl.
With a Qing dynasty hardwood base supported on five feet in the form of 中國,1727-1800。半透明、幾乎無瑕的厚實玻璃,濃鬱的芥末黃色。深碗呈喇叭形
sinuous bifurcated dragon tails. (2) 向外張開,並由巨大的圓柱狀腳支撐,邊緣寬大,底部略凹。
AucTION ResulT 品相:品相極好,輕微磨損和燒製瑕疵。硬木底座一足有小缺損。
cOMPARIsON 重量:497.5 克
Compare with a related bowl at Christies London on 尺寸:直徑15.5 厘米
November 5th, 2013, in Fine Chinese Ceramics and 拍賣結果比較:一件相似的碗2013年11月5日售于倫敦佳士得《中國陶瓷額工藝品》
拍號260,成交價 GBP £5,625;另一件幾乎一模一樣的碗售于本藝廊2014年9月27日
Works of Art, lot 260, for GBP £5,625, and a near- 《中國藝術、佛教和印度教》拍號133,成交價 EUR €8,500。
identical bowl sold in these rooms in Fine Chinese Art,
Buddhism and Hinduism on 27 September 2014, estimate euR 500,-
lot 133, for EUR €8,500.
Starting price EUr 250,-