Page 94 - Chinese Art Auction April 25, 2020 2020 Galerie Zacke
P. 94

             A RARe gIlT-cOPPeR chAMPleVÉ
             eNAMel JARdINIeRe, QIANlONg
                                                                 AucTION ResulT
             China, 1735-1796. Supported on five gilt repoussé copper Buddhist   cOMPARIsON
             lion heads feet, the lobed gilt repoussé copper body ornately   Compare with a related pair of jardinieres and
             decorated with champlevé enamels in ruby red, sapphire blue,   stands offered by Sotheby’s Paris in Arts d’Asie
             turquoise, and dusky pink with lotus scrolls within lobed reserves, the   on 12 December 2017, lot 43, bought-in at EUR
             rim with a neatly incised key fret band, lotus, and diaper patterns.
               Provenance: From the collection of
               Georg Weifert (1850-1937). Thence by             罕見鏨胎琺瑯花盆,乾隆
               descent in the same family. Weifert was          中國,1735-1796。五個銅鍍金佛獅頭為足,花盆飾以寶石紅色、寶石藍、藍綠色、
               a Serbo-Austrian industrialist and the
               first governor of the Federal Bank of the        來源:Georg Weifert (1850-1937)收藏,同一家族保存至今 。Weifert曾爲塞爾維
               Kingdom of Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia.         亞中央銀行大班以及塞爾維亞、克羅地亞與斯洛文尼亞聯邦銀行大班。
               condition: Overall good condition with           品相:整體品相良好,琺琅有小缺失,大面積磨損和使用痕跡,天然包漿。
               small losses to the enamels, extensive           重量:4.5 公斤
                                                                尺寸:高22.7厘米,直徑 39厘米
               wear and traces of use, and a nicely grown       拍賣結果比較:一對相似花盆見巴黎蘇富比《亞洲藝術》2017年12月 12日,拍號 43
               patina.                     Georg Weifert (1850-1937)  ,估價EUR €60,000-80,000。
             Weight: 4.5 kg                                     estimate euR 1.500,-
             Dimensions: Height 22.7 cm, Diameter 39 cm         Starting price EUr 750,-

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