Page 90 - Chinese Art Auction April 25, 2020 2020 Galerie Zacke
P. 90

             A shAgReeN ANd WOOd sAddle
             WITh sIlVeR-INlAId IRON FITTINgs, QINg
             Sino-Tibetan, late 18th to early 19th century. Constructed from
             hardwood tied together with leather strips and covered with shagreen
             from ray skin. The stuffed cotton and brocade saddle cover is made
             from 18th century silk fragments showing a design of flying cranes.
               Provenance: Ashoka Arts, Brighton, England. Collection of Dr. Koos de
               Jong, acquired from the above in 2011 (no invoice available). Dr. de Jong   Weight: 3.5 kg
               is a Dutch art historian and has been privately collecting Chinese art   Dimensions: Length 45.5 cm
               over decades. He has authored hundreds
               of articles and several books on Dutch           With an associated metal stand. (2)
               fine and decorative arts spanning from
               the Middle Ages to the modern era and            鮫魚皮錯銀鐵木質馬鞍,清代
               published an extensive study of saddle           漢藏,十八世紀末至十九世紀初。硬木和皮革條綁在一起製成,覆蓋著鮫魚皮。填充
               rugs in Dragon & Horse. Saddle Rugs              著棉花錦緞馬鞍蓋由18世紀絲綢碎片製成,可見飛鶴紋樣。
               and Other Horse Tack from China and
               Beyond. Between 1976 and 2009 he                 來源:英國佈瑞登Ashoka Arts藝廊。Dr. Koos de Jong收藏,2011年購於上述藝廊
               worked for numerous museums across   Dr. Koos de Jong and   (原始發票遺失)。Drs. de Jong是一位荷蘭藝術史學家, 幾十年來他一直私人收藏中
               the Netherlands and was director of the   ingeborg de roode (photo   飾藝術。 2013年,他在《Dragon & Horse:Saddle Rugs and Other Horse Tack
                                           courtesy of Stedelijk
               European Ceramic Work Center in Den   Museum Amsterdam)  from China and Beyond》中發表了有關中國騎馬裝備的詳盡研究。1976年至2009
               Bosch.                                           年間,他曾在荷蘭的許多博物館工作,並曾擔任登博世歐洲陶瓷工作中心的主任。
               Published: Dr. Koos de Jong, Dragon & Horse. Saddle Rugs and Other   出版:Dr. Koos de Jong著書《Dragon & Horse. Saddle Rugs and Other Horse
               Horse Tack from China and Beyond, Amsterdam/Hong Kong 2013, ill.   Tack from China and Beyond》, 阿姆斯特丹 - 香港,2013年,圖6.03,頁74,同
               6.03, p. 74, and illustrated on the cover of this book!  品相:總體狀況良好。 木料因爲時間流逝出現開裂和碎裂,底部小缺損。 鮫魚皮有
               condition: Overall in good condition. The wood with age cracks, chips   些缺損。 錯銀鐵初有小凹痕和小面積的銅紅色包漿。錦緞部分帶有磨損,小水漬和
               and small losses on the underside. Some losses to the shagreen,   摺痕,可能是後期紡織品製成的。
               particularly on the ledgers. Some loss to the silver, the iron applications   重量:3.5 公斤
               with small dents, dings and small areas of copper red patina. The textile   尺寸:長45.5 厘米
               with wear, small tears, and creases, possibly a later addition made from
               period textiles.                                 estimate euR 2.000,-
                                                                Starting price EUr 1.000,-
   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95