Page 141 - Made For Trade Chinese Export Paintings In Dutch Collections
P. 141
roos boek 129-192 d
140 64 pag:Opmaak 1 18-10-2016 15:45 Pagina 12
Fig. 4.52. Chinese
riverboats, watercolour
on pith paper
a. From album with
7 images, Sunqua,
1830-1865, 23.5 x 33 cm,
Nationaal Museum van
Wereldculturen, of the past offer little information. At the time of and the clothes they wore. A look at the extant TM-A-7780e-1. their production, most of the images in this copies within this genre in the Dutch collections
b. From album with genre alluded to a ‘truthful’ view of the country. tells us that Dutch China-goers also had an
36 images, anonymous, We know better now: caution is the watchword interest in this. 92 Figurine paintings are
19th century, 38 x 46 cm, in any analysis of these visuals. characterised by a great degree of uniformity.
Maritime Museum You can find exactly the same paintings in which
Rotterdam, Figurine painting (women and men), the only difference is a change in the colours. P4412-09. dignitaries and their attire This means that is likely that a great deal of
c. and d. From set of 15, Besides images of the country (harbour views work was done with templates or tracing
anonymous, 1830-1865, and landscapes), the Western visitor to ‘the East’ techniques. More frequently, however, rather
21.5 x 30.5 cm, was also interested in images of Chinese people than tracing a model precisely, drawings were
Museum Volkenkunde/
Nationaal Museum van
inv.nos. RV-328-4g
and 4c.
Fig. 4.53. Chinese
ladies with musical
watercolour on pith
a. From album of 12,
anonymous, 19th
century, 34 x 22 cm,
Nationaal Museum van
Wereldculturen, TM-3728-483.
b. From album with
12 images, anonymous,
1851-1856, 28 x 19.5 cm,
SAB-City Archives and
Athenaeum Library
Deventer, DvT V.9.9.KL.