Page 144 - Made For Trade Chinese Export Paintings In Dutch Collections
P. 144

18-10-2016  15:45  Pagina 15
                               64 pag:Opmaak 1
           roos boek 129-192 d

                    a vague hint of form. And those faces, all so  Chinese art at the Academia Sinica, recalls the
                    powder white and rosy red, and the raised,  research of Lai Yu-chih, in which she argues that
                    arched eyebrows, and the small, black almond-  these kinds of pictures with European perspective
                    shaped eyes that do not seem to see what is  and featuring precious species from afar “helped
                    around them, but rather only vague, distant  bolster the heavenly mandate of emperor’s
                    mysteries! The slim fairy tale creatures of the  Qianlong’s reign.” 103
                    porcelain vases and from silk fans and screens  Cantonese painters were asked to “depict all
                    and bizarre drawings. And all equally colourful,  that is curious in vegetable nature,” according to
                    like rice paper, such intense colours that are seen  Giles Eyre, quoted in Plants of South Asia in
                    in China. [...] And when I was back in the dark  relation to a commission given to a local painter
                    sampan, gliding over the silent, murky river, I  in 1803 by an East India Company servant. 104   143
                    could hardly believe that I had seen the brilliant,  The colourful images of many different insects,
                    colourful dolls from the old vases and rice paper  dozens of birds, shells, reptiles, and mammals,
                    pictures in real life, and that maybe everything  and hundreds of different kinds of plants –
                    was no longer just a projection of in that  particularly ornamental varieties – and images of
                    immense theatre, that is China. 101       flowers and fruits, were a much better indication
                                                              of the natural colour than the real dried samples
                    It is clear from the large number of sets and  collected. 105  In British naturalists in Qing China,
                    albums stored around the world and in the  Fa-ti Fan examines the collection of natural
                    Dutch collections that the audiences (buyers,  history drawings by the English naturalist John
                    consumers) accrued use value to this subject  Reeves (1774-1856), which number more than
                    matter. The otherness of what these members  one thousand and thus, according to Fan, form
                    of the Chinese elite looked like, the detailed  the largest collection of its kind. 105  It is clear
                    painterly execution, the clear colour-use, the  that Fan is not aware of the Royer Collection in
                    velvet-like appearance of the paintings on pith  Museum Volkenkunde in Leiden, which
                    paper, and the fact that they were often  contains, amongst other things, many ‘flora and
                    published in handy, portable sets and albums,  fauna’ paintings. Indeed, the more than 2,350
                    are all aspects that lend this genre a high  images on this specific topic that are in the
                    material and artistic value.              Leiden Royer Collection far exceed the numbers
                                                              in the Reeves Collection.
                    Chinese flora and fauna                     Given the many written records on this
                    (including bird-and-flower painting)      subject, it is generally known that the beautifully
                    Scientific interest in countries where Western  rendered plants and animals impressed Western
                    nations operated expressed itself in, among other  contemporary botanists and merchants. The
                    things, the demand for botanical images and  most cited observer of that time (1830s),
                    drawings of native fauna. In China, in the  Downing, also wrote about these kinds of
                    nineteenth century, many watercolours of  paintings with admiration:
                    Chinese plants and animals were painted, some
                    of them commissioned. These pictures already  [T]he way in which they [the artists] work to
                    circulated readily in and out of China during the  produce that extreme fineness of detail, which is
                    nineteenth century. In her study of the flow of  so conspicuous in the best specimens of these
                    prints and other images in the early modern  drawings. The fine down or rather feathers on
                    period, in and around multilayered circuits  the back of a butterfly are often so perfect, that
                    between Europe and China, Wang makes clear  it would appear almost as if they had been
                    that “the cross-cultural circulation of some  counted for the purpose. Although a great part
                    images of fauna in the early modern period also  of this effect is produced by the natural texture
                    brings into relief the issue of a globalized court  of the rice paper [sic], still a considerable portion
                    culture that connected China and Europe.” 102  of merit is due to the way in which the colours
                    Wang, a specialist in early modern and modern  are laid on. 107

                    102 Wang 2014-b, 382.
                    103 Ibid.
                    104 East India Company officer (no name, no year), quoted in Plants of South China 1982, 2, in turn, quoted in
                    Tillotson 1987, 57.
                    105 Crossman 1991, 57. Fan 2004, 49.
                    106 Fan 2004, 40-57.
                    107 Downing 1838, facsimile, 1972, 99-100, quoted in Claypool 2015, 31.
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