Page 149 - Made For Trade Chinese Export Paintings In Dutch Collections
P. 149
roos boek 129-192 d
148 64 pag:Opmaak 1 18-10-2016 15:45 Pagina 20
Figs. 4.64.a to 4.64.d.
Images of the silk
production process
(from set of 23),
watercolour on pith
paper, 19th century,
25 x 24 cm,
Nationaal Museum van
inv.nos. clockwise:
TM-3728-492, -498, -
504 and 3728-506.
(960-1269). 125 He inscribed these images, titled between rulers and ruled.” 128 The non-
Pictures of tilling and weaving (Gengzhi tu), technological and non-didactic content of these
with poems around 1145. The original poems prototype-images of stages in the agricultural
are lost, but they were all engraved in stone, so processes of the production of rice and silk, with
that they were preserved for posterity and could their detailed and precise brushwork combined
be reprinted and, indeed they form a veritable with poems, says something crucial about the
genre. 126 According to Roslyn Lee Hammers, understanding and meaning of its genre. This
the author of Pictures of tilling and weaving: subject matter entails, above all, social and
Art, labor and technology in Song and Yuan political nuances centred on the presentation of
China, the true nature of these drawings reveals agricultural processes and common people at
a great deal. 127 She notes “although Lou Shu’s work. Already at the time of the Song dynasty
work appears to have a primarily practical and again, when the Manchu emperors were
purpose – to show how to cultivate the land or ruling in the Qing dynasty, picturing prosperous
weave silk – the images lack technological farmers in peaceful and idyllic surroundings was
content. Rather, they show a concern for the closely intertwined with the well-being of the
well-being of farmer families and the relations state and the ruling emperor. In any case, the
125 Swiderski 1990, part 2, 107.
126 Ibid.
127 Hammers 2011.
128 Ibid., 2-3.