Page 18 - Made For Trade Chinese Export Paintings In Dutch Collections
P. 18

18-10-2016  21:07  Pagina 17
                               64 pag:Opmaak 1
           roos boek 001-064 f

                    reference to the passage of time, they are  find it important to attempt to overcome the
                    currently appraised as valuable collectibles,  dichotomy between people and things. It
                    heirlooms and antiqueware. In addition to the  remains vital to relate the life of things, in one
                    fact that they have now moved into these  way or another, to the ways in which people give
                    categories, their subject matter has the potential  meaning to them. 16  The observation that objects
                    to provide them with a new function as    have social lives has become an important line of
                    exemplary educational objects. After all, they  thought in material culture studies. Yet, if we are
                    represent European, North American, and   to move forward in our understanding of the
                    Chinese (in fact, Asian) maritime and trading  complex workings of material culture, we must
                    history. Rich stories emerge from them. There  investigate the potentially diverse processes
                    are several aspects that also make the paintings  whereby inanimate objects (such as Chinese      17
                    significant for contemporary viewers. They carry  export paintings) come to be socially alive. A
                    all sorts of potential identities. The scenes  multidisciplinary approach to this phenomenon
                    depicted were not only conceived in aesthetic  is indispensable in terms of optimising a new
                    terms, or because of memory or the degree of  image of and an advanced outlook on Chinese
                    saleability they also teach us about a far broader  export painting. On the one hand, major art-
                    range of aspects. Indeed, we can learn about  historical paradigms provide us with the lexicon
                    social world history from them, and about  for iconographic matters, formal analysis and
                    globalisation and glocalisation, transport,  aesthetics, as well as for meaning construction
                    architecture, international trade, former daily  and agency production. On the other hand, the
                    life in the Pearl River delta and mutual  current research methods operational in the
                    exchanges between Europe, North America,  discourses of visual anthropology and sociology
                    China and other Asian countries in the late  – used to analyse multilineal processes of
                    eighteenth to mid-nineteenth centuries.   commodification, value accruement or value
                    Moreover, cross-cultural ideas about beauty,  dwindling, and those that recognise the
                    connections between trade and collecting, and  importance of materiality – provide an adequate
                    this particular integrated, blended, transcultural  set of tools for scrutinising these concepts.
                    painting phenomenon as a whole, are additional  Finally, building on language systems from these
                    properties that constitute the potency of these  two academic fields, combined with some key
                    paintings. We must take these capabilities into  theoretical concerns of symmetrical archaeology
                    account when we evaluate them as a class in  on integrated, mixed and entangled beings and
                    their own right. It is clear, given these  objects, appears to be effective in a number of
                    characteristics, that the joint collections of  ways. 17  It is only through the application of such
                    Chinese export paintings in the Netherlands  a versatile approach that the scale and meaning
                    need exploration in greater detail.       of this particular art practice will emerge.
                      In brief, from a multidisciplinary perspective,  The nature and scope of the research corpus,
                    along the cross-cultural and transnational lines  the disregard for a substantial percentage of
                    of production to consumption, through     Chinese export paintings in Dutch public
                    exchange, circulation, ‘freezing’ and     collections (more on this later), and today’s
                    revivification (or re-commodification), Made for  global reassessment of this genre of painting
                    Trade endeavours to argue that Chinese export  meant that I have always been convinced of the
                    paintings can be looked upon as active    need for this research. These aspects, combined
                    participants in a network that connects material  with the study of authoritative multidisciplinary
                    goods, human practices and current ideas and  theories on the concepts mentioned, led to the
                    concepts. 15  This research investigates the agency  pivotal questions, outlined below, that guide this
                    of these artworks. Like Wim van Binsbergen, I  research.

                    15 I came across the term ‘freezing’ in Van Binsbergen 2005, which gave me an essential insight into the Dutch
                    collections, many of which are currently ‘deep frozen’, or, in other words, ‘overlooked and neglected’, taken out
                    circulation. Some scholars (Gerritsen), however, believe that a work never can be ‘frozen’, because even when a
                    work of art is overlooked and neglected, it always shares a dynamic cultural context (email 13 July 2016). Happily,
                    many Dutch museums are actively digitising more and more of their objects, including their collections of Chinese
                    export paintings. Once they are accessible through the Internet, I would argue that they are no longer ‘frozen’.
                    16 Van Binsbergen 2005, 19.
                    17 Olsen 2012, 209. Symmetrical archaeology promotes mixtures and hybrids of humans and things. This line in
                    the archaeological field follows the idea that things (as Chinese export paintings must also be conceived), are
                    beings in the world alongside other beings, such as humans.
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