Page 40 - Made For Trade Chinese Export Paintings In Dutch Collections
P. 40

64 pag:Opmaak 1
                                                18-10-2016  21:07  Pagina 39
           roos boek 001-064 f

                    intended to show the difference between a  Marketplace, or putting it up for public auction;
                    commodity and an object that is originally  in yet others, by keeping it (and making sure
                    domesticated in a specific local community; that  others know that you have one). 12  In all three
                    is to say, existing within a local horizon with a  cases, values circulate. Exchange, then, is just
                    strong, sometimes ancient and ritual      one of many possible forms circulation might
                    significance. In terms of this present research,  take. Thus, in the case of Chinese export
                    the commodity aspect is an important parameter,  painting, these terms can safely be used
                    most notably in relation to the meaning and use  interchangeably.
                    value of Chinese export paintings.          After its production and having being
                      In order to see a Chinese export painting as a  exchanged to a Westerner as a commodity,
                    commodity with a ‘social life’, we must proceed  a Chinese export painting became socially       39
                    methodically. Firstly, it is good to focus on  placeless, ready to be appropriated in potentially
                    spatial and temporal aspects in order to identify  distant and unknown meta local contexts. 13
                    its use value. Indeed, both their place of  In addition to a life as a more-than-a-souvenir
                    production and of consumption, and the more  object, I argue, in line with Van Binsbergen,
                    or less demarcated period of time in which they  that the painting was ready to be measured there
                    are produced are significant in the process of  against the universalising standards of a meta
                    their appraisal. Focusing on the forms of  local medium of exchange – of which money is
                    functions of use (or exchange) legitimises the  the principal example – thus endowing it with
                    conception that commodities, like people, have  a new meta local meaning. 14
                    social lives. Secondly, we must deduce how the  Regardless of their own particular object
                    artwork has acquired or, indeed, lost value; and  story, network and provenance, the commodity
                    finally, we must consider the ways in which said  aspect that objects such as Chinese export
                    values affected interactions between people and  paintings acquire, makes them all, in principle,
                    objects and the ways in which these interactions  similar in light of the great equaliser, i.e. money.
                    are to be determined.                     The impersonal principle of money creates a
                      According to Jane Fajans, researchers often  multitude of potential circumstances in which
                    step into a trap when it comes to the use of  the commodity may be exchanged into ever-new
                    terms like ‘exchange’ and ‘circulation’. 10  As we  contexts and into ever-new hands, without, in
                    can read in David Graeber’s Toward an     principle, being transformed in the process. As
                    Anthropological Theory of Value, she suggests  such, most Chinese export paintings are more
                    making a consistent distinction between   or less interchangeable with other things, in
                    exchange and circulation. Whereas exchange  unlimited spaces and times, beyond the here and
                    occurs “when property of some sort passes from  now. While in general we can apply this
                    one person to another,” the notion of circulation  definition of commodity to Chinese export
                    is appropriate “when values or valued qualities  paintings circulating in commercial art markets
                    are transferred.” 11  I argue that within a  around the globe, in the case of this research, we
                    business-like market with global dimensions,  cannot; at least, we cannot entirely. A number of
                    such as the Chinese export painting exchange,  the paintings kept in the Dutch museum
                    these concepts usually come down to more or  collections are currently withdrawn from further
                    less the same thing. In some cases it may be  effective circulation. They are remain hidden due
                    possible to realise the high value of such a  to their vulnerability or their damaged state and,
                    painting, perhaps it is as an heirloom, by giving  so far, are not accessible through the internet.
                    it away to a museum; in others, by displaying it  Other contexts in which this withdrawing is
                    as a saleable item on eBay or Alibaba’s Taobao  imaginable is when they act as valuable

                    10 Fajans’ view on exchange and circulation is discussed in Graeber 2001, 81.
                    11 Graeber 2001, 81. David Graeber is an American anthropologist. From 1998-2007 he taught Anthropology at Yale
                    University, where he specialised in theories of value and social theory. From 2008 to spring 2013, Graeber was a
                    lecturer and a reader at Goldsmith's College of the University of London. Since 2013, he is Professor of
                    Anthropology at the London School of Economics.
                    12 Since March 2015, Sotheby’s, one of the most prestigious auction houses, entered the digital arena by organising
                    one of the first public auctions via the internet. This resulted in a shift from physical to online art sales, also in the
                    highest segment of the market. Thus, sales of art have become more accessible to a wider audience, worldwide.
                    13 Chinese export paintings never became totally culturally placeless, because they are inscribed with a certain
                    kind of ‘Chineseness’.
                    14 Van Binsbergen 2005, 46.
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