Page 43 - Made For Trade Chinese Export Paintings In Dutch Collections
P. 43

64 pag:Opmaak 1
                                                18-10-2016  21:07  Pagina 42
           roos boek 001-064 f

                                       is not preferable, because of several reasons.  different aspects of its life, including those
                                       With this painting, truly emblematic for the  focused on technical, social, and economic
                                       historical China trade, are many narratives to  values. The core of a cultural biography
                                       (re)construct. Future museum audiences can  comprises the chain of events through which a
                                       learn about the various appealing facets   painting becomes culturally marked and
                                       connected with this specific art genre and the  unmarked. As Kopytoff suggests “a culturally
                                       painting’s social life from its production to the  informed biography of an object would look at
                                       state of it today.                         a biography as a culturally constructed entity,
                                         In other words, it seems that Chinese export  endowed with culturally specific meanings, and
                                       paintings are ultimate commodities, with an  classified and reclassified into culturally
                     42                aesthetic contextualisation as a natural result of  constituted categories.” 23  Chinese export
                                       the commodifying process. But is this right? In  paintings are culturally marked objects with a
                                       fact, there is a serious but in here. We have just  specific use value in their social life. How, and
                                       read that pathways from production to      from what perspective their biographies deal
                                       consumption sometimes lead to ‘freezing’, when  with their social life and related use value must
                                       an object is set apart as cultural heritage. Let us  be studied. Many different aspects of a painting’s
                                       dwell, then, on the determination that Chinese  cultural biography along its trajectory contribute
                                       export paintings are ‘commodities’ by examining  to its value. Although its commodity value can
                                       the three aspects of commodity-hood.       be distinghuised from its artistic value, when
                                                                                  studying this art genre these two sorts of values
                                       A cultural biography perspective:          can never be looked at separately. On the
                                       the commodity phase                        contrary, this kind or art is filled with social and
                                       Over time, objects can move in and out of the  cultural connotations, the various layers of
                                       commodity phase, the period representative of  which are built up throughout a painting’s
                                       the moment during an object’s life when it is  existence, culminating in the conclusion that
                                       operating as a commodity. I aim to analyse the  such a painting can be treated as an art object.
                                       total trajectories of Chinese export paintings in  Questions that arise when we approach
                                       the Dutch museum collections and, as we shall  paintings as commodities with a biographical
                                       see, most of them did not stay with their first  model are: What are the biographical
                                       owner, but instead travelled widely before  possibilities inherent in their status regarding
                                       entering the museum. On their journey, the value  notions such as exchange value, period and
                                       initially ascribed to them appears to be fluid and  culture? Where does the painting come from and
                                       subject to changing interpretations; in other  who made it? What has been their career so far?
                                       words, “the values are constantly in flux,” as  What are the recognised ‘ages’ or periods in a
                                       Diana Fridberg, anthropologist and research  painting’s life and, what are the cultural markers
                                       associate at Washington University in St. Louis,  for the paintings? What did a specific painting
                                       remarks in her online article ‘The social life of  represent for the succession of people who
                                       things’. 22  Every time a Chinese export painting  owned it? A painting would have passed through
                                       is transferred, its cultural context and its use or  several hands during its production, its ‘middle
                                       function shifts and, at the same time, this defines  passage’ from a Chinese painting studio to a
                                       its changing exchange value. On this journey  Western home or museum wall. A painting
                                       through different social-cultural milieus, passing  can be admired, cared for, bequeathed as an
                                       through time as well as space, the paintings are  heirloom, sold, exhibited, damaged, de-
                                       subsequently assigned historical value, aesthetic  commodified, rediscovered, restored and once
                                       value, memory value, and economic value.   more admired in its former glory. The
                                         Kopytoff’s formulation of the perspective of a  biographical aspect of a Chinese export painting
                                       cultural biography of objects, which is    as heirloom and antique is clear, but Kopytoff
                                       appropriate to specific things as they move  prompts us to ask, how does the painting’s use
                                       through different hands, contexts and uses,  (or sentimental) value change with age? 24  Are
                                       seems an essential and workable tool for   heirlooms valuable just because they are unique,
                                       allowing these paintings to speak to us. We will  or because of their specific history? What is their
                                       see that such a painting may have a number of  capacity to accumulate a history as a collector’s
                                       different potential biographies focused on  item? What happens to them when they reach

                                       22 Fridberg 2008. (consulted October 2016).
                                       23 Kopytoff 1986, 68.
                                       24 Ibid., 66-67.
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