Page 62 - Made For Trade Chinese Export Paintings In Dutch Collections
P. 62

18-10-2016  21:08  Pagina 61
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           roos boek 001-064 f

                    assume that for the Chinese painters involved,  These paintings are ever changing products,
                    the sign and signified were more in line with  created in a continually interactive relation to
                    each other, namely as a piece of art or as a  other visual material, people, ideas and
                    commodity through which they could        knowledge (techniques). Secondly, we can say
                    demonstrate their painting skills and earn  that Western customers and Western-style
                    money. There is simply no way of trying to  painting with all its specifications, transformed
                    reconcile multiple locations when the people  the visual language of the prevailing (literati)
                    involved speak different languages and if I, as  Chinese painting practice into the new
                    the researcher, stand at another historical  ‘language’ of a distinguishing Chinese art genre.
                    vantage point, since discourses change over time.  However, this transformation never led to
                    It is far more interesting to explore interactions  assimilation of the existing practice. On the  61
                    than the evaluation of similarities and   contrary, the particularity of Chinese painting
                    differences. Or, as Lydia Liu puts it, “elevating  culture has never been dissolved. The
                    connections over contrasts.” 106  We must  conversion, so to speak, led to the genesis of a
                    consider cross-national comparison as a subject  unique painting style that, because of the choice
                    rather than a method.                     of subject matter, functioned partly as a valuable
                      When we follow Bhabha’s theory on cultural  translation of Chinese culture. It is too great a
                    translation, in which ‘natives’ become new  leap to assert that these paintings are
                    migrants, translate their own culture into that of  translations, or vehicles, of Chinese culture – we
                    the new host community and become interveners  know, after all, that it largely concerns idealised
                    in the hegemonic cultures that they find  representations – but there are many
                    themselves confronted with, the translation is  ‘particularities’ of Chinese culture condensed
                    entirely foreignising. 107  In the translation, then,  into a broad range of subjects.
                    the ‘foreignness’ of a word foregrounds or stages  It seems that this kind of painting is actually
                    the cultural difference. To some extent, we can  untranslatable when it comes to ‘cultural
                    treat Chinese export painters and, vice versa,  translation’. Again, I borrow an idea from
                    foreign merchants, as ‘natives’. But, operating in  Young, influenced by Walter Benjamin, to
                    transitional spaces, as mediators involved in  explain this point, by arguing that the so-called
                    agential processes of intervention and    target culture (the West) “is required to translate
                    interaction, within the dynamics of divergent  itself into the ‘foreign’ idiom of the source
                    painting conventions, their mutual translation  (China) in order to effect understanding.” 109
                    efforts resulted in an entwined artistic style with  The hybrid painting style, full of non-Chinese
                    paintings having their inherent features. The  but not entirely Western elements, contains
                    problem then, or rather the pitfall, with  untranslatable aspects that do not flawlessly
                    translating Chinese export paintings, from the  correspond to painting conventions on the part
                    time of their production to today, is that we  of Western consumers. This has not proved,
                    must use our own language to explain the spirit  however, to be an insurmountable problem.
                    of these works, without knowing what the  In contrast, Chinese export painters with their
                    makers thought about their products and what  excellent feel for their client’s penchant for
                    their intentions were. Another difficulty is  Chinese art had the right qualities to create
                    translating paintings that are produced in a  a new, attractive art form that integrated the
                    visual language that is already multiple within a  ‘foreign’. Whether or not it is 100% ‘translatable’
                    transitional space, like the export art practice in  to either side, did not matter. The hybrid appeal
                    the harbour cities in the Pearl River delta that  of these paintings as results of shared cultural
                    originated within a mixed culture that was  enterprises highly intrigued Western audiences
                    neither discrete, nor bound. To follow this latter  and, at the same time, did the Chinese painters
                    perspective for my research, and I agree with  no harm, as we now know. This style might
                    Young on this point, requires two ways of  even be called a marketing strategy in modern
                    thinking. 108  Firstly, the ‘language’ of Chinese  terminology and is the outcome of deliberate
                    export paintings seen and understood through  decisions to please the buyers, as Mok
                    times and spaces, must be considered as “fluid,  convincingly states, after judging many written
                    moving, mixed and without fixed boundaries.”  comments by contented customers, who gave

                    106 Liu, quoted in Seigel 2005, 66.
                    107  Bhabha 1994, 227.
                    108 Young 2012, 169-170.
                    109 Ibid., 171.
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