Page 63 - Made For Trade Chinese Export Paintings In Dutch Collections
P. 63

64 pag:Opmaak 1
                                                18-10-2016  21:08  Pagina 62
           roos boek 001-064 f

                                       valuable information on the pleasing aspects  descendants, a painting (collection) accrues
                                       of Chinese export painting. 110  One side of the  worth in a different way. To discover the
                                       chain aimed to obtain colourful, exotic and  mechanisms at work in the paintings’ life,
                                       minute presentations of Chinese life in all its  writing a cultural biography is an appropriate
                                       facets, while the other side’s ambition was to sell  tool for disclosing the related stories about its
                                       and make money. It is generally known that both  representational, historical-documentary,
                                       sides successfully achieved these major goals.  identity-enhancing, symbolic and/or
                                                                                  merchandising function. When owning such
                                       2.6.                                       artworks, as museums do, it is important to
                                       Conclusion                                 know these stories. That is why Made for Trade
                     62                This chapter presented a number of coherent  uses this biographical angle, with its closely
                                       theoretical concepts that can be helpful for  linked materiality-aspect, as an instrument to
                                       approaching Chinese export paintings in general  expand the knowledge of the Dutch collections.
                                       and the Dutch corpus in particular, in a new  These paintings are tangible elements of a
                                       way. In conclusion, the most fitting angles and  visual economy which emanated from the
                                       useful concepts and ‘tools’ are selected to give  historical Dutch trade with China and Indonesia,
                                       this shared cultural repertoire the right place and  at the heart of an ever-changing material (global)
                                       status in relation to its appreciated use value.  complex. To argue that Chinese export painting
                                       Made for Trade combines these multiple     can be seen as an art form in its own right with
                                       concepts and will apply them appropriately,  the idiosyncrasies of the works, this dissertation
                                       depending on the discussed genre or topic.  highlights that the transcultural character of this
                                       The related concepts are applicable to the  painting phenomenon is its most important
                                       argumentation in this dissertation to underscore  feature. In essence, it is the composite,
                                       the strenght and value of Chinese export   integrated, EurAsian appearance that certifies
                                       painting. Primarily, this study examines the  their success as ‘shared’ artworks and their
                                       ‘sites’ (production, painting itself, reception)  (current) high appraisal at the art market.
                                       and the ‘modalities’ (subject matter, techniques,  Although this painting genre strongly refers to
                                       composition, social element) at stake when  China and its trade with Western seafaring
                                       evaluating the Dutch corpus. Further, from this  countries, the works are able to negotiate
                                       macro visual analysis model (sites and     between multiple cultures. The variety in subject
                                       modalities), Made for Trade unravels the notions  matter literally demonstrates transcultural
                                       ‘value’ and ‘transcultural’ in a bid to find  exchange and, at the same time, the paintings
                                       answers and arguments to understand the    themselves are material exponents of this
                                       current status and the meaning of the Dutch  exchange. Their interpretation, however, will
                                       collections.                               differ depending on their sites of location, on
                                         With Chinese export paintings accruing   the people involved with their conservation,
                                       different values through time and space, and  and on the prevailing zeitgeist.
                                       throughout their afterlife, a discrepancy between  Using an interdisciplinary approach, and
                                       different systems of value must be ascertained.  combining the various values of this
                                       To understand this, the term ‘value’ must be  transcultural painting genre, I can determine a
                                       conceived in all its possible meanings. On the  fresh and innovative attitude to the Dutch
                                       one hand, there is the Chinese trade value system  collections with their specific art-commodity
                                       of the South Chinese harbour cities in the  character. Insights from the art theoretical
                                       nineteenth century, based on supply and    perspective (Rose), anthropology (Kopytoff,
                                       demand. Apparently, this fact an sich is   Poole and Ter Keurs), symmetrical archaeology
                                       ambigously used in the course of time to   (Olsen), and translation studies (Young), enables
                                       evaluate Chinese export paintings in the Western  us to understand these paintings in their
                                       world. On the other hand, after being sold, a  complexity and their speciality. Once, the one-
                                       painting, at least when it was bought for  dimensional art history perspective dismissed
                                       circulation in the art market system, enters the  these kinds of artworks because they did not fit
                                       Western trade value system, which is based on  both the Western and Chinese artistic canons
                                       taste-setting trends, gallery prices, and auction  with their strict conventions and rules.
                                       records. 111  Or, when valued as an identity  Currently, it is precisely this multilayered
                                       marker for former China-goers and their    character, which creates the strong own position

                                       110 Mok 2014, 36.
                                       111  Steiner 1994, 68.
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