Page 60 - Chiense jades Hong Kong Sothebys April 2017
P. 60


A WHITE JADE ‘TRIPLE BOYS AND                       明 白玉連生貴子
MING DYNASTY                                        來源:
well worked in the round as a group of three        倫敦邦瀚斯2014年11月6日,編號288
boys standing back to back, each of the cherubic
figures depicted with a gentle smile, one           白玉質,有沁斑,立體圓雕三童子。三童子笑
portrayed holding a long stem bearing a lotus       容可掬,背對背、手拖手,形成圓柱形。手握
pod, another a lotus bud, the third linking arms    蓮花,蓮葉翻捲,蓮花半開,蓮蓬半露。兩童
with the former and resting his left hand on the    子頭頂一束桃形髮,另一左右分。童子表情、
waist of the latter, the charming group of a white  站姿各異,真實可愛。
colour with pale russet markings, drilled through
vertically for suspension                           此器仍見宋朝持荷童子之遺風。玉質瑩潤如
6.2 cm, 2½ in.                                      糖,造型獨特,吉祥喜慶。中間穿孔,以便佩

A European private collection.
Bonhams London, 6th November 2014, lot 288.

HK$ 250,000-300,000
US$ 32,300-38,700
   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65