Page 262 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 262

Two views

234                                                                     The result of Oxford Authentication Ltd. thermoluminescence test
                                                                        no.466w75 is consistent with the dating of this lot.
A very rare qingbai ‘seated musician’ brown-
highlighted ewer and warming bowl                                       瓷壺的口沿、留、及上腹部作塑形處理,形如胡人吹簫,以褐彩描繪
Northern Song Dynasty                                                   刻劃數道線條。暖杯葵口外撇,腹部平直下首,圈足,外壁刻劃層層
The rounded cylindrical ewer with the neck formed as the head of
a musician wearing a cap, playing a wind instrument that forms          克里夫蘭藝術博物館藏John L. Severance舊藏一件八至十世紀的仕
the long spout with both hands, with details painted in dark brown,     女吹笙壺,曾於1957年展出於洛杉磯縣藝術博物館《The Arts of the
applied on the back with a curved strap handle, covered overall with    T’ang Dynasty》展覽中,見Henry Trubner編,《American Exhibitions
a buff-coloured glaze; the deep bowl with straight sides rising to a    of Chinese Art》,倫敦,1957年,頁103-104,編號271。另見1994年
flared lobed rim, decorated around the exterior with large overlapping  於安徽省宿松縣城東郊北宋天聖三年(1025年)墓出土的一件青白釉
petals, covered overall with a buff-coloured glaze.                     胡人吹笙 壺,現藏於宿松縣文物管理所,除其釉面開片較大以外,其
The ewer 20cm high (2).                                                 形制與本壺極為相似,見張柏主編,《中國出土瓷器全集8:安徽》,
HK$200,000 - 300,000
US$26,000 - 39,000                                                      此拍品經牛津鑒定公司熱釋光年法測試(測試編號466w75),證實
北宋 青白釉褐彩胡人吹笙壺及暖杯

Compare with a related ewer in the form of a court lady, dated 8th-
10th century, playing a sheng (mouth organ made from reeds) that
forms the spout, in the Cleveland Museum of Art, John L. Severance
Collection, included in the exhibition The Arts of the T’ang Dynasty,
Los Angeles County Museum 1957, illustrated by Henry Trubner
in the exhibition catalogue American Exhibitions of Chinese Art,
London, 1957, p.103-104, no.271. Another closely related example
was excavated in 1994 from a tomb dated 1025 in Susong County,
Anhui Province, now in the Susong Cultural Relics Protection Bureau,
illustrated by Zhang Bai, Zhongguo chutu ciqi quanji:8, Beijing, 2008,
pl.137. The present ewer appears to be an unpublished model and
may well be unique.

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