Page 264 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 264

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235                                                                   Compare with an similar Qingbai seated child excavated from Tomb
A rare Qingbai figure of a seated monk                                No.14 at Doufuchi alley, Gulou Street, Beijing, now in the Capital
Southern Song Dynasty                                                 Museum, illustrated in Zhang Bai, Zhongguo chutu ciqi quanji 1:
The figure wearing a hat and long beaded necklace on top of a         Beijing, Beijing, 2008, pl.82
loose long-sleeved robe, with hands held up and open together, his
head turned slightly to one side with a congenial smile and friendly  人物造型憨態可掬,席地而坐。圓臉,笑逐顏開,頭戴小帽,身著長
expression.                                                           袖長衫,穿靴著長褲。脖頸上戴串珠。雙手掌心相對。整器造型可
12cm high                                                             人,通體罩一層薄透明釉,瓷塑細緻,功力深厚。

HK$120,000 - 180,000                                                  此類人物瓷塑應該為江西景德鎮窯燒造。北京市鼓樓後街豆腐池胡同
US$15,000 - 23,000                                                    14號墓曾出土一件元代青白釉童子瓷塑,現藏於首都博物館,見張柏
南宋 青白釉胎瓷塑人物坐像

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