Page 272 - Bonhams Wen Tang Collectiont, October 2014 Hong Kong
P. 272

239                                                                     The bluish or yellowish-milky white ‘phosphatic’ splashes that decorate
                                                                        the dark brown-glazed wares of this type are applied after the initial
A Lushan phosphatic splash-glazed baluster jar                          glazing. These splashes are sometimes poured on the vessel while it is
Tang Dynasty                                                            held on its side, to create a decorative trail down the body.

The body raised on a splayed foot rising to an upright flaring mouth    An ovoid jar with more side trailing splashes and four double-strap
rim, with a pair of ruyi-shaped lug handles on the shoulder, covered    lug handles is illustrated by R. Mowry, Hare’s Fur, Tortoiseshell, and
overall with a dark black-brown glaze decorated with large irregular    Partridge Feathers, Cambridge, 1996, p.95, no.8, where it is also
splashes of mottled milky white and pale blue, ending in a line on the  attributed to the Duandian kiln, Lushan county, Henan Province.
exterior exposing the buff-coloured ware.
18cm high                                                               The result of C-Link Research & Development Ltd.
                                                                        thermoluminescence test no.1013AJ02 is consistent with the dating of
HK$70,000 - 100,000                                                     this lot.
US$9,000 - 13,000
唐 魯山窯花釉罐                                                                通身施黑褐色釉,釉不到底,罐身飾不規則藍色斑塊。

                                                                        類似的另一件魯山窯花釉罐,見R. Mowry著,《Hare’s Fur,
                                                                        Tortoiseshell, and Partridge Feathers》,劍橋,1996年,頁95,圖8。


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