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244                                                                    Compare with a Changsha brown-splashed ewer from the Palace
                                                                       Museum, Beijing, in Ceramics Gallery of the Palace Museum Part 1,
A rare Changsha brown-splashed straw-glazed                            Beijing, 2008, p.138-139, no.79. And another Changsha ewer with
dragon-handled ewer                                                    moulded decoration and brown-glazed areas is illustrated by Margaret
Tang Dynasty                                                           Medley, The Chinese Potter, A Practical History of Chinese Ceramics,
                                                                       New York, 1976, p.98, no.68.
The globular body rising to a short cylindrical neck and flared mouth
rim, with a short spout, dragon handle and moulded lug handles on      口沿外撇,束頸,溜肩,弧腹下收,圈足,腹部一側作一短留,對稱
the shoulder, covered in a pale brownish-straw glaze with darker       一側作一龍形曲柄,曲柄兩側對稱作一龍形把。器身滿施淺黃色釉,
russet-brown splashes.                                                 口沿內外,頸部,腹部,曲柄等部位以深褐色釉進行裝飾。整器造型
20cm high                                                              規整,胎質堅密,胡風盡顯,圓潤的造型也體現了唐代的審美易趣。

HK$130,000 - 200,000                                                   青釉褐斑是長沙窯瓷器中常見的一種裝飾,其中青釉褐斑注子器形優
US$17,000 - 26,000                                                     美,而裝飾圖案往往具有異國情調,通常作為外銷到西亞以及東南亞
唐 長沙窯龍耳褐斑注子
Ewers of this type are often decorated with sprig-moulded elements     見《中國美術分類全集:陶瓷全集(6)唐、五代》,上海,2000
that are applied before glazing and then covered with a transparent    年,編號38。北京故宮博物院亦藏一件唐代長沙窯模印貼花褐斑注
dark brown glaze on specific areas of the body. The present lot is     子,其裝飾圖案同樣特殊,為外銷西亞各國之產品,見《故宮陶瓷
particularly striking with the two side handles moulded as dragons.    館.上編》,北京,2008年,頁138-139,圖版79。另見Margaret
These wares were popular as trade goods, with many examples and        Medley著錄一件類似的長沙窯注子,《The Chinese Potter, A Practical
shards found overseas in Indonesia, Iran and Egypt.                    History of Chinese Ceramics》,紐約,1976年,頁98,圖68。

A related ewer with similar moulded handles in the Hunan Provincial
Museum, is illustrated in Zhongguo mei shu fen lei quan ji: The
Complete Works of Chinese Ceramics Vol.6, Shanghai, 2000, no.38.

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